Sunday, November 10, 2019

The present youth lacks seriousness in studies.... Do you agree?


  1. Replies
    1. The sentence or the given statement is absouletly true ,because we can see live examples of the results in collages, schools and in other educational institutions only some are scoring first ranks or distinction marks then what about the others? These ressembles how others are concerned about their studies students are looking wys where they can avoid study easily pass their exams and enjoy the life in their veiw which is not at all a good choice for the youth or students because it will affect their future. Even the institutions are only looking for only top rankers and neglecting the students who are not scoring marks which also leading to this kind of scenario.

    2. Appreciating your response....
      1. Conscious about the spaces when you use punctuation and spelling
      Ex:The sentence or the given statement is absouletly true ,because

      2.Connect ideas with linker
      Ex: too many ideas: but not connected with good linker
      we can see live examples of the results in collages, schools and in other educational institutions only some are scoring first ranks or distinction marks then what about the others?

      3. Spelling Errors:

      4. Tense Uniformity is missing:
      Ex: it will affect their future.

  2. Noo I wont agree...because,all the students have intrest in studies but in educational institutes the people are only focusing on the books.

    1. Its a mere statement.... need explanation and examples in support of your opinion...focus on that when you render your opinion

    2. As, I said tht educational institutions are...that means they only want result and fam for their college,they don't bother about the students, are they gaining any knowledge or not.They won't provide skillfull learning.for eg. Some of the private institutions just teach what is there in book,then at last they provide a question bank to study.By these the students lost their intrest and sticked to only book,finally I want to say that,if educational institutes changes,their may be change in students.

  3. Yes, I agree. The youth nowadays are addicted to social media. The more usage of social platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram etc.. are making them to lose interest in their studies. Not only social media, the other reason is the society. They follow the wrong perception of education given by our wellwishers. They are suggesting students to complete a standard of education in order to get a job. By keeping it in their mind, they are only studying to get a pass mark in their respective subjects. They are not aiming high because of their suggestions. Even though they're matured, they are being addicted to job opportunities where the private sector/ government sector just need qualification rather than their academic performance. Hence, students are not having seriousness in their studies.

    1. Appreciating your reponse...
      1. Syntax Error:
      Not only social media, the other reason is the society.
      (Think in English)
      2. Convey ideas with more refined statements

      3. Need better start
      Ex: By keeping it in their mind

      Overall Feedback:

      "Need clarity in conveying ideas with good sentences and mostly are sentences where you ignore examples in support of your ideas"

  4. I agree with the statement, because now a days students are showing more interest on social media rather than studies. Even educational institute are making students to study only for marks in public exams but not for their knowledge

    1. Appreciating your participation...

      Need detailed point of view with examples....just expressing your opinion with out explanation and examples have no value...think of it

    2. 1)Institute + are ...syntax error.
      2)vocabulary like Insisting or compelling could be better substitutes of the word "making" in the last sentence.

    3. Good... dear students take students feedback positively for your improvement...

  5. Yes!
    Now a days most of the students are involving in social media. There are only studying for sake of marks,not to gain knowledge. Most of the parents are also encouraging their children for gaining good marks in class. They should encourage children to gain knowledge to develop society.

  6. Yes. I agree with the given statement, because nowadays students are just trying to score marks instead of understanding the topics. Students are preparing for exam a day before. It is due to the lack of seriousness. There is no seriousness among the students during classes. So, one can not gain knowledge with lack of seriousness.

  7. I solemnly believe this to be true.
    In old times, the path or a way an amateur followed in moulding himself/herself to be a professional was a complete blend of determination, obidience and devotion towards their goals and the tutor .As the fruit of hardwork is success, only noble could attain a greater degree of education.But in recent times even many under-educated civilians are progressing in creating fake Ph.ds!! by bribing reputed universities.Few leaders who have been elected by the indian parliament are the good examples of above statement.

    Thus, it is to be agreed inevitably that present youth lack seriousness in

  8. I oppose this statement because,everyone are habituated to battifing knowledgee if there is partical knowledgee they show more intrest ..

    1. Appreciating your participation... but its only a mere statement.need more exaplanation and examples...

  9. Overall feedback:
    Most of the studens are trying express only their point of view without good explanation and valid examples in support of their argument...Students alo informed to have healthy discussion to the responses.. then the argument would be more interesting... identify mistake and give suggestions too to improve their writing skills...

  10. The youth might have been witnessed not showing seriousness towards studies. But, I dont really want to blame the youth for that entirely. Youth are just being forced to invest their capabilities only on studies rather than something of their choice or studying the subject which is not their choice. Whereas, we humans have diverse favouritism towards things, for example, if we list out the favourite food item of our class. We would find a minimum of 20 different things in the list of 60 most probably. Same is the case with youth, they have their intrests in various places. Nor the parents are blamable too, they don't see a future in other field than studies. It is our govt which isn't realising the importance of bringing out potentialities of youth in various areas and creating opportunities and awareness.

    However, considering the other case,where the student is really being lazy and not paying any head to his studies, he would seriously need a motivation to develope an optimiatic angle towards studies and his responsibilities.

    1. I solemnly agree with your statement. Neither the youth nor the parents can be blamed. First of all, the students must discover what their actual interest or goal is! Today'generation easily gets attracted towards bad. There can also be different reasons for scoring low. Example negligence or unstable state of mind. This is relatable to many students. Example a good student can also score low because of negligence and over confidence. They must figure out their desires and start working on it. Some unique type of teaching techniques can help the students to gain back their intereste in studies rather than the old ones!
      According to my point of view, the teaching must be different. The students shouldn't be afraid of studying. They must find it more interesting rather than a burden.

    2. Yea, there must be motivation given to the students and teachers also must be created awareness to adopt various effective methods of teaching which could also result that student would develope favouritsm towards studies.

    3. Appreciating your response....
      1. Language is good but sentence formation needs improvement
      2. Ideas are good.. but convey them with more clarity with good syntax
      3. wrote … as you speak... need to follow...formal etiquette of writing... Oral to written translation is not suggestable...It requires formal language....
      4. I found that you are good at speaking... but find many errors in writing... so focus on that tooo to be more proficient in English Language...

  11. UnknownNovember 12, 2019 at 6:07 PM

    Appreciating your anju
    1. Good start...with good vocab...
    2. Examples also must be parts of a paragraph... they should not be isolated... Connect them to ideas properly...
    3. unique type... instead... innovative teaching methods...
    4. Good clarity in conveying ideas.. but focus on connecting ideas..

    Good Effort....
