Monday, October 28, 2019

Man vs. Woman.... Who is strong and successful in this modern world?

Man vs. Woman.... Who is strong and successful in  this modern world?


  1. Replies
    1. Can you justify your answer?

    2. Need explanation with valid support of your opinion...

  2. Behind every man success there is a women so by this statement it declares that man is successful Everytime and stronger than women.

    1. I am sorry to say that you got the meaning of the proverb absolutely wrong. Why can't we say ' Behind the success of every woman, there is a man '?
      The point is , this particular proverb refers to the coordination between both the genders and not in the sense of degradation of the opposite gender. If both genders coordinate , success is easier to achieve . This is what the proverb actually means.

    2. You tell me then what is the success percent of a women and men compare both of them you will notice the fact who is stronger and who is weeker and who is successful and who is failure.πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    3. Focus on sentence formation..... need examples to justify your answer....

  3. It doesn't depends on the gender,it depends on the talent.

    1. But who has more talent compare in whole world per captia income earned by men is more than women to feed a family father is important so stronger than women and also successful

    2. Need examples to strengthen the argument.... focus on sentence formation....

  4. In my opinion, gender doesn't affect the success of a person.Whether the person is a male , female or transgender zeal and desire to succeed is all that matters. Anyone in this world can succeed if they are guided properly and if they have that burning desire to achieve something great.

    1. I abide by your opinion! No matter, if the person is woman or a man, both can invest heir knowledge,capabilities and all in order to be successful in life!

    2. abide.... nice vocab...
      give required space after punctuation mark
      heir... their- careful with spellings

  5. According to me,both are succesfull.These days the competition is very tough.No one is bothered about the gender,people are thinking about there goals and achieving success.

  6. Women is more powerful and courageous because she can bear any problems and situations despite of many hurdles in life whereas men will quit.By this we can say women are stronger than men and they are required for the development of society

  7. Why are we taking into account only about male and female?
    Transgenders are also successful people.They are also human beings , but living like dead due to this heartless , cold world.
    In this cruel, gender biased society,people always forget that they are all humans and they have the same rights on everything irrespective of
    their gender. So, whatever the gender is, everyone have the same rights to succeed.
    And also, I would like to mention that, the youth should understand the dire necessity to erase gender inequalities from the world, so that all the humans can have a safe place to live.

  8. According to me both men and women are strong in this modern era. Men are strong and they are successful. Because, they get support from all sides of the world. Whereas in the case of women, they are strong but they does not get much support as the men get. Women can be successful as men. They are determined and have a hardworking mentality. If we can support them, then we can see women rise into the sky..

  9. According to my point of view,success always depends on talent, self-coinfidence and hard work.Gender is not at all a question for success.

  10. Men are driven by power in the workplace, while women have a different idea of what makes for true success!

  11. Dear students,
    appreciating your responses.... focus on syntax carefully... found syntax errors in many and without examples they are mere statements without value... so present your argument with valid examples as evidences to prove your argument is right... keep going....

  12. I think those days are gone .There is lots of genderdescrimination then.But,now all are equal.Gender can't decide their strength,their desire and interest matters.

    1. Avoid unnecessary punctuation....
      Opinions have strength when they have examples... focus on time.
