Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Write a paragraph (100 words/10-12 Sentences) on Impact of social media on youth

Directions: Write a paragraph (100 words/10-12 Sentences) on the Impact of social media on youth 

Follow the structure of a paragraph:

Topic Sentence

Supporting Ideas 

Concluding Statement

Guidelines : 

1. Use linkers at appropriate places and underline them in our answer

2. Highlight the topic sentence and concluding statement with different font color

3. Use capitalization and mark punctuation properly

4. Use a variety of vocabulary: Idioms/One-word substitutes/phrasing verbs / Collocations etc.

5. Use a variety of sentences

6. Edit and Proofread before posting. 


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  2. In my point of view, Social media has profoundly impacted the lives of today's youth, both Positive and Negative. On the positive side, it has Increased communication with other people to connect with friends, social and political information. It also gives us good educational opportunities and career networking. However the Negative aspects are equally significant cyberbullying and online harassment has became more trouble nowadays. Excessive usage of social media can lead to addiction. Therefore, privacy concerns and spreading of rumours pose serious risks. Balancing the both Positive and Negative remains a critical challenge for today's youth.
    Name:N.Nithin Varma

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 1. However: transition word in the beginning of the sentence follows comma. (However,) 2.has became (x), has become (If it is written by on your own... its good....keep it up)

  4. According to me the impact of social media on youth is positive. The positive effects of Social media on youth is the ability to access and share knowledge and information easily with others. Social media platforms provide vast opportunities of educational content, news ,and awareness. Young people can follow educational accounts ,engage in discussions ,and access online courses additionally social media enabling young individuals to connect through online. It also creats a platform for the people who has same interests . As a result, this connectivity and information sharing can empower the youth to make Accurate decisions and broaden day horizons.So by this i conclude that there is are positive impact on youth by social media

    1. Name:M.lalith kumar

    2. 1. According to me (Transition word at the beginning of the sentence, follows comma. 2. additionally may have full stop...Start new sentence with Social media enabling... 3. who has.. (who have) 4. Accurate (Unnecessary capital) 5. So by this... (looks informal... rather you can directly start wtih (I would like conclude that.... (overall good paragraph if you have written on your own)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. In my point of view ,I have a negative opinion impact on social media."What consumes your mind controls your life". social media effects on children and youth mainly.As the youth attracts for bad habits and bad things,thry are just addicted towards them.people qre distracting from education due to social media and which causes mental and physical health issues.Social media effects on youth as weel as children in many ways like they are unable know about indoor and outdoor games just they are addicted to online games."Social media is gate for the youth to use Instagram, Facebook, laga etc.Thus i conclude PAY LESS ATTENTION TO YOUR CELL,MORE ATTENTION TO YOUR SOUL

    1. 1. No space needed before comma, (In my point of view) 2. negative opinion impact... (wrong structure) 3. Using quote is nice...relevant to topic...4. Social media effects... (First letter of starting sentence must be capital) 5. As ...(Need space before) 6. bad things, ( need space after comma) 6. thry...spelling error 7. People...(Need two spaces after fullsotp, No capital ... People ... first letter must be in capital)8. Thus... (transition word needs comma after that) 9. I always to be in capital 10. (overall Capitalization errors, punctuation errors and spacing errors are many...) Focus on them...

  7. According to me,Social media has significantly impacted youth positively by fostering global awareness. It serves as a platform for allowing young individuals to express themselves, share ideas, and form supportive communities. The accessibility of information promotes learning and exposure to different cultures, breaking down geographical barriers. Moreover, social media enables networking and collaboration, offering opportunities for skill development and entrepreneurship. Overall, social media has become a catalyst for empowerment, enabling the younger generation to shape their identities, broaden perspectives, and contribute meaningfully to society.

    Name : Gouri Prasad Varma
    H.No : 2303A51035
    Section : A1

    1. 1. According to me, (single space needed after comma), 2. Sentences are fine... but they were not written on your own.... Learn to write on your own....

  8. In my point of view,I have a positive opinion of social media on youth.Opportunities don't happen,you create them and I feel social media is the best platform,it is a Global village .social media is an enhanced connectivity.It provides Information about global events,news,and diverse perspectives .social media platform offer educational content and resources and skill development among youth.socialmedia is like a open a can of worms it creates social and political awareness and it is used to promote business ideas.I conclude that there is a positive impact of social media on youth
    Name:B.siri chandana

    1. 1. Started with transition word...good 2. Need two spaces after full-stop. 3. Firsts sentences are not properly connected with relevant linkers. 4. Social Media is likes ... (syntax error...ambiguity created) 5. Paragraph has topic sentence and concluding statement...good.. but punctuation errors and specing errors are quite evident.

  9. In my perspective, social media has both positive and negative impacts on youth, it all depends on the way how an individual uses it. In modern life, social media is developing fast. Addiction to social media has many serious effects, including poor study habits, living away from reality and bad health. Increase in screentime can cause mental illness, anxiety and depression. On the other hand , it has some positives as well. Social media provides wide variety of accessibility to people such as students can have an easy access to educational platforms. Social media helps us to build our knowledge based on our intrested stream and also connects us to the world. Therefore, social media has both dark and bright sides. It becomes a great challenge to youth to balance these two shades of social media.Social media plays a crucial role in youth
    Name: P.Rishyanth

    1. Well-organized paragraph.... If you have written on your own...surely nice attempt.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. In my perspective,we have both the bright side and the dark side of internet .It only depends on individuals.The Youth utilizes that make oppertunities like finding internship programs,jobs etc .But the dark side : Youth using internet for some unnecessary things like social media, playing games,etc .They were getting addicted to those and just wasting there precious time.In short , internet is important in recent times But it depends on the user whether they were utilising it or wasting it
    Name: Goutham

    1. Completely deviated from topic... topic about social media but you have drafted about internet.

  12. Impact of Social Media on Youth
    In my point of view, I have negative impact on social media . Now a days youth are using excess of social media and wasting there valuable time . Social media have many impacts on mental health.
    Now-a-days youth are addicted to social media so much which leads to depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and sleeping habits. And the youth are get divert from education and thier work by using of social media. youth are addicted to play online games instead of offline games, online games affect our mental health. I conclude, pay less attention to social media and improve yourself .
    Name : srijith rao
    Roll_no : 2303a51019
    section : A1

    1. 1. Topic sentence... syntax error...2. write only a single paragraph without splitting into two... 3. Ideas are good... but first few sentences ambiguity... repetition are found...

  13. In my estimation,Social media is impacting youth positively and negatively.Positive, it has allowed young people to express themselves, and access information easily.It has educational resources, online courses ,etc..Negative, it has bad influence on children and youth adults, and that is depressingly affect in has definitely changed the way we live and interact.While there are both positive and negative aspects to consider, it's important for young people to use social media responsibly.

  14. In my point of view, social media has both positive and negative impacts. The main positive impact is easily connecting with people and better usage of technology. On the flip side, it introduces negative aspects such as missing real-life connections, forgetting how to talk, spending too much time on the internet, and affecting mental health. In conclusion, social media has both positive and negative impacts on youth.

  15. It is my understanding that social media has both positive and negative impacts on youth. It's like a double-edged sword. Social media is a great way to connect with people who may not be seen all the time. It can also be a source of information and help in discovering career opportunities and hobbies. These are the positive sides of social media. On the negative side, it is reducing face-to-face communication, spreading fake news, and cyberbullying is increasing at a rapid pace. Spending too much time on social media causes health issues. In conclusion, the above-mentioned are some of the negative and positive effects of social media. If used for a good purpose, it can be a platform that enriches you with great benefits.

    Name :B.Prashanth

  16. In the Society point of view,the social media has both positive and negative impact on youth. The positive impact of social media are,Due to social media the youth will get a awareness about the society they are living.If there is any problem the youth combine forces and help to them. Social media helps us to share our problems and happiness.It helps us to relief from the burdens we have and makes us laugh .The negative impact of social media are,it becomes the major weakness of person,youth will be depended on social media,The youth will be unable to face the others in reality,They will be leaving in a fiction world where They can see nothing but only social media.
    Therefore,The social media has both positive and negative impact on youth.
    NAME : B.Srikar
    Enrolment no:2303A51885
    Section. : A1

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  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. In my opinion social media has negative impact on youth. This negative impact of social media multifaceted and sister affects various aspects of individual's lives.Firstly,cyberbulling may cause emotional distress and also harm to people.Excessive use of social media may cause mental health like depression, anxiety and discomfort to the eyes.Social media facilitates the rapid misinformation leading to the misconceptions.By this I conclude that social media has profound negative impact on youth.

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  22. In my opinion social media plays a significant role in our lives today. We have access to any information at just a click away. Anything that is so fastly expanded has both positives and negatives. The power of social media is very high and affects each other's. It isn’t easy to imagine our lives with social media today, and we pay the price for excessive use. There is a lot of talk about the effects of social media on society as a whole.So it as both positives and negatives.But altemeatly social media is very use resource in this generation .
    Cse A1

  23. In my opinion the social media have both positive and negative impact on youth because of social media wel can learn so many things like new updates,How the present society is going on,and we can find information about stock market and trading,we will get information about sports etc .here the negatives are some people not using them properly it shows that negative impact on social a days we are seeing about part time jobs they are asking to may some amount in the name of registration amount some people with knowing any thing they blindly paying but this is the scam they not provide any jobs,and the present youth totally depends on social media but some are don't know how to face the reality.finally I am concluding that it is totally depends upon user.
    Name:M.Likhith sai
    H.t number:2303A51026

  24. In my view,social media has more negative impact than positive.Now-a-days youth is addicted to social media.It is effecting mental health of youth.More usage of social media effecting the sleep cycle and productivity.It is also effecting physical health like eye sight,body posture.The excessive usage of social media can also lead to tremendous stress and anxiety.Recently, youngsters are using social media for cyberbullying and invasion of privacy.In summary, the negative impact on youth is evident in aspects like cyberbullying, body image concerns and the potential for addiction.

  25. In my viewpoint, impact of social media on youth is negative as most of youths waste their most of the time in social media one of the major reason is most of the things are available online these days and youths are taking disadvantage of that. When the screen time is for hours it effects their mental health and due to social media they are not able to communicate properly especially introverts , as nowadays communication is important but people aren't interacting with each other. So, I conclude that social media is inversely proportional to youth's mental health so use it accordingly.
    Name : B.Vyshnavi
    Enrollment no : 2303A51884
    Section : A1

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  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Impact Of Social Media on youth:
    I believe that impact of social media on youth is like a coin which has both sides.It not only has positive but there is also a negative impact.Firstly, when we talk about positive side,It helps everyone regardless of their age.Moreover,it makes many individuals as independents with great opportunities and it links countless people.Besides that,it also has a negative impact i.e over addiction towards social media for unnecessary things that wastes their precious time,which never comes back.In order to interact with others people looses their bond with their own family.
    Finally,I conclude that,the way matters a lot ,how people use it.
    Name: Shruthi
    Enrollment no. :2303A51010

  29. From my perspective , Using Social media has both pros and cons . It depends on the individual how they use it .Social media encourages social interaction & communication. Social media provides lots of information to gain knowledge & improve skills . It’s also a platform to showcase talent & skills. However ,Social media also has adverse effects. It causes emotional distress and affects mental well being .social media can negatively impact sleep patterns and overall productivity. Excess use of social media facilitates laziness. In conclusion , Using social media wisely helps to progress in both professional and personal life .
    CSE A1

  30. From my perspective, social media has positive impact on youth. Social media helps in improving social interaction and showcase skills of youth. It helps in gaining knowledge in various aspects. It also helps to know about the important happening around the world. Social media became a source of income for some people. Social media enables people to communicate and stay up to date with family and friends around the world. It can be also used for current events, news, and other happenings quickly and easily. In conclusion, the impact of social media on youth includes connectitivity, oppurtunities for self-expression.

  31. According to society, social media has both positive and negative impact on youth. It is like a double edge sword. For some people social media is way to connect with people and helps in developing new media gives access to various unknown information .it helps us to share problems and express ourselves.These network helps teenagers with valuable support.young people have the chance to interact among themselves.However scrolling through the feeds can become a complete addition to the social media. They will become slaves to the social media. Increase in anxiety, depression and sucidal thoughts. Young people is influenced by inappropriate content.
    Name:- Praneeth
    HT. No:-2303A52005
    Section:- CSE-A1

  32. Social media plays a significant role in the lives of young individuals, fostering connections, knowledge acquisition, and self-expression. Nevertheless, its drawbacks include cyberbullying, FOMO, and body image concerns, along with potential addiction and distraction from essential aspects like education and relationships. Balancing the positive and negative aspects, open conversations between parents, educators, and young users are crucial to promote responsible and healthy social media use.
    Name: K. Suryateja
    HT NO 2303A52007
    Section CSE A1

  33. Social media has some bad sides too. One big problem is bullying online, which can make people feel really bad about themselves. Seeing everyone's seemingly perfect lives on social media can make us feel like our own lives aren't good enough, making us sad or worried. Spending too much time on these apps can also stop us from talking to people face-to-face, which is important for real friendships. Sometimes, the things we see online aren't even true, but we believe them, which can make us misunderstand stuff and not get along. Overall, social media can make us feel bad about ourselves, stop us from making real friends, and even make us believe things that aren't true.

    CSE A1

  34. Social media can make young people feel not so good. They might see stuff that makes them think others have better lives, and that can make them sad. Sometimes, people say mean things on social media, and that hurts. Spending too much time on phones can also make them forget important things like homework or hanging out with family and friends. It's like eating too much candy – it might seem fun, but too much isn't good. So, it's important for young people to balance their time and not let social media make them feel bad all the time.
    ROLL NO:2303A52001

  35. impact of social media on youth
    In my opinion I had a positive opinion on social media has lot of benefits like communication with long distance friends and relatives.It can provide great employment opportunities.We can easily access information and get news through social media.It can create awareness for many social issues.For example in pandemic time people unable to go out but students need education so the educational departments had conducted classes in online.Social media can help students nourish their knowledge with many teaching ads available online.students can watch videos,see images and instantly clear their doubts and social media is a strong tool for business promotion and marketing for many business.

  36. Internet plays role in the lives of young individuals. It drawbacks include cyberbullying and body image concerns.balancing the positive and negative aspects, for some people is a way to connect to other media access to various unknown information some of the young people are infulenced by inappropriate content.
    Name:A.vishwa tej
    Ht. No 2303a51002
    Section CSE A1

  37. In my point of view, Social media greatly influences today's youth. It shapes their opinions, values, and behaviors in both positive and negative ways. On the positive side, it provides a platform for self-expression and connection with peers. However, the constant exposure to curated content can lead to unrealistic standards and a sense of inadequacy. Moreover, the addictive nature of social media can impact sleep, mental health, and overall well-being. It's crucial for young people to navigate these platforms mindfully, striking a balance between online and offline life to ensure a healthy and positive impact on their development.

    CSE (A1)

  38. In my perspective, the impact of social media on youth is both positive and negative. On the positive side, it provides accessibility for everyone, enabling youth to earn money through online jobs and presenting opportunities in movies and reel-making. Additionally, various platforms facilitate educational opportunities for the youth. However, some individuals become addicted to watching reels on social media, leading to distractions and overall negative impacts. It's essential for youth to stay away from these detrimental platforms to achieve better results.In conclusion, Using social media wisely will benefits both Professional and personal life in Positive way.
    Name: peddy Chandra Vardhan Reddy

  39. In my point of view.Social media can have both positive and negative impacts on youth. It provides a platform for communication, self-expression, and information sharing. It's essential for young people to use social media mindfully and balance online and offline activities for a healthy
    The Positive Influence are it helps youth to express themselves. Giving opportunity for youth. On the other hand, youth are influenced by content which are shown in social media. Allowing youth to go though depression, anxiety and mental breakdown.
    Hence social media has play a negative role on youth
    Name:G.Gouri shankar
    Hallticket No:2303A51012

  40. The internet among the youths has
    enabled them to go an extra mile in
    doing research to improve on creativity and innovation that exist and this has contributed and still contributing the invention of great ideas that is becoming answers to various challenges that people face in their life.
    B.Bharath kumar
    CSE (A1)

  41. In my perspective, .tnoSocial media has had an impact, on people influencing how they communicate and view the world. On one hand it provides a space for self expression promoting creativity and connection. However being constantly exposed to curated lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self esteem among young users. The pressure to conform to beauty standards and lifestyles showcased on platforms like Instagram can also contribute to health issues. Moreover the instantaneous nature of social media magnifies the influence of peers affecting decision making processes. The addictive nature of these platforms also raises concerns about the amount of time spent using screens and its effects on mental well being. Striking a balance between the positives and negatives remains a challenge, for todays youth as they navigate the landscape.

    H.TO : 2303A54001

  42. In my point of view Youth and Internet are both linked. The use of internet by the youth is so exponential increasing, even the children this days are using internet so much and they are so addicted to it. As usage of internet is so much there are some bad things happening. Youth are using the internet for bad things which impact on the society. There are also good things. Now a days internet is important for youth in many ways. Studies, money transfer, etc. As a fellow youth I use the internet for good things. I conclude the impact of internet on Youth is more and must be safe for future.
    Ht.No : 2303A51013
    Section : A1

  43. In my perspective, social media has a more positive impact on youth. Social media provides a platform for self-expression and creativity. It is also a source of information and educational resources, promoting learning and awareness. Online communities offer a space to share experiences and seek advice. Social networks connect individuals with professionals, helping in discovering career opportunities and gaining insights into various industries. Therefore, I believe that social media is a good thing.

  44. Social media has become an integral part of young individuals' lives, serving as a platform for connection, knowledge acquisition, and self-expression. Despite its positive aspects, the drawbacks loom large. Issues such as cyberbullying, the fear of missing out (FOMO), and body image concerns cast shadows on its benefits. Furthermore, the potential for addiction and distraction from crucial aspects like education and relationships is undeniable. Striking a balance between these positives and negatives necessitates open conversations among parents, educators, and young users. Fostering responsible and healthy social media use requires a collaborative effort to address these challenges and maximize the platform's potential for positive impact.
    Name: B Vrindha
    Ht no: 2303A52003
    Class: CSE A1

  45. In my point of view social media plays a vital role on public . These apps like yt, LinkedIn ,intsa and Snapchat were creating much impact on students .since 2005 technology has been growing to much . Students are addicted to it . Disadvantage are more than advantages from this social media like loss of knowledge , staying away from books, overall students spoiling their beautiful future by addicting to social media

  46. In my view,social media impacting the youth in both positive way and negative way .
    positive: helps students to learn and make things easily available in online.
    Negative:people can't spent time with friends and family, and playing outdoor games,and youth get easily influenced through social media and addicted.
    Therefore,social media has both positive and negative impact on youth.
    Name : V.Akshara
    Enrollment no. : 2303A51041
    Section : A1


  47. The impact of social media on youth is profound, influencing various aspects of their lives. On one hand, it provides a platform for communication, self-expression, and connectivity, fostering a global community. However, the constant exposure to curated images and idealized lifestyles can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem among young individuals. Moreover, the addictive nature of social media can lead to excessive screen time, affecting sleep patterns and overall well-being. Cyberbullying is another concerning issue, as the online environment may amplify negative behaviors. Yet, social media also serves as a catalyst for activism, allowing youth to mobilize and voice their opinions on societal issues. Balancing the positive and negative impacts requires awareness, digital literacy, and open communication between youth and their guardians

  48. Social media plays a pivotal role in shaping youth perceptions and aspirations.It serves as a platform for connection, information-sharing, and self-expression, but also poses challenges related to privacy, mental health, and online behaviors.Navigating the digital landscape responsibly is essential to harness the benefits while mitigating potential drawbacks for the well-being of today's youth.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. In my point of view Teenagers and young adults are greatly affected by social media, which changes how they think, act, and feel about themselves. Some important effects include making it easier to compare yourself to others and forcing people to follow idealized standards. Social media sites like Instagram, which are known for carefully choosing and editing material, can make people feel bad about their own lives when they compare them to the perfect versions of other people's lives that are shown through filters and curation. Also, there is a link between using social media too much and mental health problems like depression and worry, especially in younger people.

    For example, people may have problems with their bodies because they are constantly exposed to societal standards of beauty on famous social media sites like TikTok and Snapchat. This phenomenon produces an atmosphere where physical attractiveness is more important than personal growth and overall well-being.This causes insecurities in most youth and force them to take difficult paths.
    Social media has also has a positive impact on youth who uses it the correct way. Many social sites like linkedin and indeed help individuals to connect with intellectual people and help their career grow to the sky.
    In conclusion, Social media has both positive and negative impacts on the way you use it and the purpose for it.

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  52. Now a days most of the youth spend their time on social media websites but in my point of view they should spend their valuable time in watching educational website and follow the privacy policies attached. We can see that most youth is interested in website other than educational platform for the enjoyment and fun. Due to this we can see a huge gap in building relationships among family which is of a serious concern. So each and every youth should become responsible and spend limited and valuable time on social media website and also with the family.
    Kathyayani Choudhari

  53. Excessive use of social media can make things tough for young people. The main negative impacts include spending too much time on social media, becoming addicted to it, and missing real-life connections. This excessive use can impact sleep, and sharing personal information online can pose risks to the privacy and safety of youth. In conclusion, social media poses risks when used excessively.
    Name:K.Sri priya

  54. Impact of social media. Social media has been developed so much now a days people are using so much ex:while using phones some people are for getting their families, friends and their jobs also . They have been adopted with their phones . With out using their phones they can't able to stand by self also. For these reasons I want to say that use little bit of phones but not use much more

    1. 1.First sentence must be topic sentence... but not title of the topic. 2. Topic sentence and opinion of the write is not defined properly... 3. Less ideas... 4. Incomplete paragraph
