Young people possess energy, but it should be channelized in the right direction. Where the Young people are guided by older generation. And programmed to walk in the same path as the previous generation. there is nothing but a repeating the same generation again with a mere Development. If this changes everything will be centuries ahead where youth can be A.I instead of a programmed bot. The Young people of India should try to give a practical shape to the ideals of democracy which have kept before us. politics costs years of development because of misguided greedy politicians, and only young people can change it. All it needs to change a country is a new generation with better future sight. Nothing comes onto a silver platter. All I mean is that nothing will happen if the youths don't work to accomplish their role. Education is the most important. For one to gain skills, innovations and knowledge you must study to be in this society. So apart this is major role of the youth, youths also have a role to study since it is the key to success and development. Nothing can happen if you do not try, bad or good. You will not become rich overnight either way but at least if you make an effort, then you have begun your journey to your dreams.. Key role of youth in society according to me is 3R's:- renew, refresh & rise above.
Teacher's Feedback: Positives: 1. Ideas are good 2. Using technical terminology is a different idea
Areas to improve:
1 Where the Young people are guided by older generation....? Beginning the sentence with Where.....not in proper structure.. 2. there is nothing...After full stop, next sentence starts with capital letter. 3.If this changes everything will be centuries : Stick on to one tense either present or future.... 4. Mere statements will not give strength to argument or writer's point of view unless until gives some supporting examples or evidence...keep focus on them... 5. Linkers are so essential to connect ideas... use them next time to connect the ideas....
Now-a-days youth are energytic, active, creative and enthusiastic. They are the part of modern society which plays a vital role in solving problems. It's easy for the youth to communicate, to share their ideas and accept the change. Youth needs guidance form expert people. If they can't find any,they should keep searching ,until they find something that really works.If they minds have not been too damaged.
Youth has a very important role to play for society. The growth of the country mostly depends upon the youth.They are considered as most dynamic & energetic assets of the nation. Young people often represent the future as their innovative and unique ideas play a key role in development of future.The youth is said to have hot and energetic blood. They can fight against any problem or situation and get success over it.The only thing is they must be properly guided and trained. Also they must be given opportunity to prove themselves. To conclude "Youth is the power of nation".
In the present generation, youth are more active and they're always thinking about creative world.Naipunya international strongly belive that a student needs proper guidance and personalized care in their lifes.For these students need to be guide at every step in the process.So it helps the youth to guide their career programs.It can mould the students into talented and competent individuals by groming them.When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented but finanacially poor students and it also helps the students to get admissions and study for their bright future to success their goals.
In the present generation, youth are more active and they're always thinking about creative world.Naipunya international strongly belive that a student needs proper guidance and personalized care in their lifes.For these students need to be guide at every step in the process.So it helps the youth to guide their career programs.It can mould the students into talented and competent individuals by groming them.When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented but finanacially poor students and it also helps the students to get admissions and study for their bright future to success their goals.
In the present generation, youth are more active and they're always thinking about creative world.Naipunya international strongly belive that a student needs proper guidance and personalized care in their lifes.For these students need to be guide at every step in the process.So it helps the youth to guide their career programs.It can mould the students into talented and competent individuals by groming them.When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented but finanacially poor students and it also helps the students to get admissions and study for their bright future to success their goals.
In the present generation, youth are more active and they're always thinking about creative world.Naipunya international strongly belive that a student needs proper guidance and personalized care in their lifes.For these students need to be guide at every step in the process.So it helps the youth to guide their career programs.It can mould the students into talented and competent individuals by groming them.When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented but finanacially poor students and it also helps the students to get admissions and study for their bright future to success their goals.
Nation building refers to the process of structuring a national identity using power of the state.It aims at uniting the citizens of the nation.The efforts of youth can help in rapid growth and development of our nation.young people are full of ideas and have infinite source of energy to put their ideas into practice.Youths are up-to-date with current happenings and latest technology.Youth fight got an identity in society,equali eq,the homeless, unemployment,pove pov and for other problems which the world faces today.Youth is not only the partner of today but also the leadreof tomorrow varsha 18K41A0504
Youth are backbone to the nation.They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behaviour.More and more young men of this age are sitting at home in front of their telivisions playing games all day instead of bettering themselves or going to work .They have no vision and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any attempt at achieving them.we must get control of this .we must motivate our youth. We must teach responsibility and goal setting .If we do not we will soon be supporting an entire generation of of homeless and needlessly on welfare families.Things have to change ,with our schools, with the older generation being good role models ,with older generation being mentors,and with the youth who are right now doing nothing.youth can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behaviour.
Friendship is a valuable relationship which gives support to life, encouragement. friendship is not just a word a feeling between two persons. It is a strong believe in relationship. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. But in my life it is fake. So I won't believe in this relationship. friendship is not for use and throw .
The role of the youth is simply to renew, refresh and maintain. Youth are expected to advance the current technology, education, politics,peace of the country on the other hand, youth have also maintain the culture of our country, all good values in the societies, development projects, etc
Youth has a very important role to play for society for that we need to know why youth are so special. It is so because they are young .full of energy and educated with rationality as their ultimate. Belief now their role in society. 1.Reproduce :reproduction here does not mean increasing the population. But it means that they full fill the position left by the son takes up the position of father in a company 2.Protection:youth are expected to protect their culture and traditional. While at the same time makes, it better and embrace changes in the society .for instance it is youth only. Who becomes a part of political movement for a major change in a country. They becomes a part of armed forces too, to safeguard the freedom of people and so on There are many other roles of youth in the society. They are like the leading character of a movie. Youth also need to take care of old ones who are now going to be dependent
Youth play a important role in the development of the society.But now-a-days they are not utilising the opportunities to develop the country.They are the backbone of our nation.So they should be responsible to develop our nation.They should obey elders and take guidelines from them.Them must rectify their own mistakes.Everyone should have an enthusiasm to develop their own nation.If opportunity doesn't knock the door,they must have a zeal to build a door.Attitude,behaviour, character plays the important role for their success. The youth of today have to become the inspiration of tommorow. B.Navya 18K41A0508 CSE-A
These days youth are placing a major role in this society.They are a part of developing the nation.They are very energetic to possess any kind of situation.The youth with a fresh energy can perform better and ensure the growth of the society.They can change the society with their ideas and thoughts.The youth are placing one-third of the workforce in our country.Our youth are agents of change in the society.
Today's youth is tomorrow's nation. Youth has a cruicial role to play for society ----growth:the growth of a country in all the spheres like social, political and economic spheres mostly depends on youth only. Youth are back bone to the nation. In young stage anything can possible. In youngsters brain fresh and good knowledge will be dumped. Youngsters are the major role in society. Inspiration is also through the youngsters. G.Leena 18K41A0415 ECE-A
THE ROLE OF YOUTH FOR A BETTER SOCIETY. It is obvious that the youth is a very important integral part of any country as they are the ones that define the future of a particular country. In short, we can say that the future of any society depends on the practical and spiritual molding of the youth. All societies pay special attention to the youth. Youth is the time when innovative, creative thoughts and ideas pop up in mind and which shape up the community and the nation we live in. The policies, plans and development works of the nation can best be implemented by youth. They are more enthusiastic and energetic and if their potential is used in the right direction they can ensure rapid progress.
Youth constitutes major portion of the total population. Such a major portion of the population plays an important role in the development of the nation and cannot be ignored. The determination and energy with which youth can work makes them the most valuable and capable citizens of the nation. However, it is important that the youth gets to exercise their freedom of speech, ideas and opinions. They should get the right platform to voice their opinions, share their ideas and know their hidden talent.
Youth plays a major role in building up the nation.And the contribution of youth is important in sturcturing the nation.The value of the country is known buy it's people.Every citizen of our country plays a major role in the progress and development of our country.Youths have certain responsibility towards their nation,they come together and shape the future of our country.They can bring rapid change and development with sincere efforts.It is a vital to bukid uo the future of our youth by providing them education and other means of development.Education helps in building the right foundation of a person and empowers him to make independent choices.Employement opportunities should be provided to youth .Youths want the nation to be a better place.Hence, I conclude that they should get the motivation and support.
Youth are backbone to the nation.They can change the future of the society.The growth of a country in all aspects like social,poltical and economical aspects mostly depends on youth only.They with a fresh energy can perform better and ensure the growth of society.
Youth plays a major role in building up the nation.And the contribution of youth is important in sturcturing the nation.The value of the country is known buy it's people.Every citizen of our country plays a major role in the progress and development of our country.Youths have certain responsibility towards their nation,they come together and shape the future of our country.They can bring rapid change and development with sincere efforts.It is a vital to bukid uo the future of our youth by providing them education and other means of development.Education helps in building the right foundation of a person and empowers him to make independent choices.Employement opportunities should be provided to youth .Youths want the nation to be a better place.Hence, I conclude that they should get the motivation and support. M.Nischitha 18K41A0530 Section :A
A youth is someone who is not a child anymore and is yet to enter adulthood. At this age, most youth possess the curiosity and excitement of a young child and knowledge of an adult. Now-a-days there are so many types of youths are there. Some youths will think about the good future in they life. Some youths will think about the present situation they think that how to deal the situation. Some youths will be there they will take the responsibilities of their families and they will work hard and at last one day they will success their life they know the value of education. Education is the only one thing which can change the life for any one. They can bring rapid change and development with sincere efforts.It is a vital to bukid uo the future of our youth by providing them education and other means of development. I conclude that they have to get motivated by some legends of our nation and they will move on their life.
A youth is someone who is not a child anymore and is yet to enter adulthood. At this age, most youth possess the curiosity and excitement of a young child and knowledge of an adult. Now-a-days there are so many types of youths are there. Some youths will think about the good future in they life. Some youths will think about the present situation they think that how to deal the situation. Some youths will be there they will take the responsibilities of their families and they will work hard and at last one day they will success their life they know the value of education. Education is the only one thing which can change the life for any one. They can bring rapid change and development with sincere efforts.It is a vital to bukid uo the future of our youth by providing them education and other means of development. I conclude that they have to get motivated by some legends of our nation and they will move on their life. Mohammed Afroz 18K41A04G3 Sec- F
Youth have a major role to play for the betterment of society. Their contribution is important to shape the structure of our country. Youths also inspire others to work for the society. They posses the energy which when utilised in correct way can do wonders to the society. Youths should be given proper education so that they can lead the society by example. Youths are the pillers of the society as their behaivour decides in which way the nation is going as, most of the population comprises of youth. They can make our society a better place to live in with their atticates. Employment opportunities should be provided to them. So, the main role of people is providing education and values so that youth can utilise those values in improving the conditions. Our government should make sure that the opinions of these youths are heard and views are shared.
Youth hava a major role to play for the betterment of societyYouth is the new definition of the changing times, it is a perfect example of ‘it doesn’t get any better than this’. Today’s youth is full of spark, it burns everything it touches. They are not obstinate, they make mistakes and learn from them. They have the courage which is inexplicable, they are dynamic, they have written their fate themselves. They have the key to the lock and they are the only ones who can set the caged bird free.and employment opportunities should be provided to, the main role of people is provided to them Youth is the new definition of the changing times, it is a perfect example of ‘it doesn’t get any better than this’. Today’s youth is full of spark, it burns everything it touches. They are not obstinate, they make mistakes and learn from them. They have the courage which is inexplicable, they are dynamic, they have written their fate themselves. They have the key to the lock and they are the only ones who can set the caged bird free.our government should make sure that the opinions of these youths are heard and views are shared I conclude that they have to get motivated by some legends of our nation and they will move on their life Maddi.Ramana 18k41A04G1 F- section
Each age group in society has its own role and this is important in many different ways. The young generation occupies a special place in social environment. It is very important part of society. The young and rising generation constitutes a representative of the future in the broadest sense; the future of any society depends on the practical and spiritual moulding of the youth. All societies pay special attention to the youth. No change in way of government running can be victorious without the effective education, organisation and mobilisation of the youth into political action. It is none other than the youth (especially the working youth) who form the core of the ‘political’ and ‘military’ armies of the revolution. Their youthful energy enables them to perform great feats in the theatre of battle; enables them to be the most active in generation of ideas and development in skills; their enthusiasm spreads into their surroundings like wild-fire. The youth acts as the motive force of the revolution. The working youth forms the most consistent and reliable section of the revolutionary movement ‘and when they join the struggle of the working class, they fight for their own cause, and grow and become stronger in the struggle.
The role of the youth towards nation building. First of all we have that the youths are period between childhood and adulthood. The vision of our country lies in the hands of our youth. They are filled with tremendous and towering ambitions. Government must give enough opportunity to exercise our talent. young people must get good education in order to become better citizens of tomorrow and be the best role model for furture generations. Youth is the spring of life.In the world full of discoveries and dreams youth must fight for an identity. Youth can flourish the land and make it shine brighter. Introspect at the pinnacle and emancipate all the evils in the society.
ROLE OF YOUTH FOR A BETTER SOCIETY.! It's easy to say that youth is responsible for the future of INDIA but what also counts is that what options does the youth have to make ""INDIA GREATER"". People generally say that the vision of our country lies in the hands of our youth, but is that really in our hands??? No matter how much talented a student may be or how good his skills are....he will always be suppressed by the reservation system of our country. The reservation system has been categorising the 'YOUTH' for many years where the talent and skills doesn't matter but the caste does. This system has led a huge loss to country which no one can realise because no one really cares about raw talent. Why am I saying the word 'Talent' a hundred times? Because it is what which made huge developments in other countries and INDIA is still a developing country. To be honest, 50% of the youth doesn't want to be eengineers or doctors....but,our goal is decided by the "ELDERS" because "The vision of our country lies in the hands of our youth." Thank you for reading my opinion. OBAID UR RAHMAN. 18K41A0366. SEC-J.
Youth has a very important role to play for society. We can say that the growth of a country in all aspects like social,political,and economic mostly depends on youth only.For better growth of society youth play a vital role they are with fresh energy and can perform better. We all know that youth are the backbone of the society. Youth should have a quality of leadership and innovative skills for a better society .At the same time youth should also maintain culture of our society and think towards development of society. Youth should be in the position to help others who are in need in any situation and the should be in the position to give advice and encourage the teenager and kids too for future better society. But as we all know that nowadays youth are completely addicted to social media. So for our society youth should come out of it and work towards our better society.
Youth has a very important role to play for society. We can say that the growth of a country in all aspects like social,political,and economic mostly depends on youth only.For better growth of society youth play a vital role they are with fresh energy and can perform better. We all know that youth are the backbone of the society. Youth should have a quality of leadership and innovative skills for a better society .At the same time youth should also maintain culture of our society and think towards development of society. Youth should be in the position to help others who are in need in any situation and the should be in the position to give advice and encourage the teenager and kids too for future better society. But as we all know that nowadays youth are completely addicted to social media. So for our society youth should come out of it and work towards our better society.
Young people are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists.They can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large.I feel young people in the present day do not belong to an active, social and service-minded society. The main cause of this catastrophe is the increment in inventions and ideas that keep them engrossed. The youth should set up the pathway for the attainment of equal rights, which is still not in practice in many parts of the world. Corruption and bribery should be put to an end, and this initiative should be taken up by young minds. Students, who have mastered the art of speaking, should be the brimming rivers for empowering the masses.Young people should stand together in expressing their solidarity and then get actively involved in social issues, but keep in mind that their views and expressions should not lead to social bias. As patriotic citizens, their works should help in promoting national integration. Syed Giyazuddin. Section:J Roll no:18K41A0162
The young people have taken the modern India by storm. They want to be everything for the nation, the one that criticizes it the most and then gets up to shape it better. They fight for their own rights and everybody else’s, they support the right and protest against the wrong. They figure out the good and the bad and choose their role accordingly.The youth is full of ideas, they have the finger on the pulse, so they are best suited for the nation and the economy to grow. When young people come together, they counter each other, they face challenges, they bring strong opinions to the table and they are invincible. The new entrepreneurs of our country are sure to bring success and a change in the working system of the country. The offices are becoming friendly and casual rather than dull and boring, people have started loving their jobs and are passionate about them, which is why the performance is also better.Youth is the new definition of the changing times, it is a perfect example of ‘it doesn’t get any better than this’. Today’s youth is full of spark, it burns everything it touches. They are not obstinate, they make mistakes and learn from them. They have the courage which is inexplicable, they are dynamic, they have written their fate themselves. They have the key to the lock and they are the only ones who can set the caged bird free.
The role youth plays an important part in society or in the nation it means that the youth ideas and creative thoughts can change the nation...present situation in our society,the youth is coming out when compared to the olden days..they are creating a problems with the solution's which helps the nation alot and they are much needed for the development of the nation and the government should also provide more no of opportunities to the youth for a better society.
The young generation occupies a special place in a social environmnet.All societies pay special attention to the youth. First thing they should be very practical and openminded. They should get more addicted to general knowledge than social media. Communication skills plays a major role in our present society.So,every youth should get good fluency while they talk to other people. Youth should also encourage good leader who helps our nation to go in a right way. Youth should also bring new skills in job industry for better products. Youth should also help senior citizens,kids to set an idea about present world. If your actions inspire others to dream more,learn more,and become more, YOU ARE A LEADER.
Young people are pgten considered to represent the future as athey bring new ideas and energy to add to tge pool of knowledge that currently exits.They can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit spciety or even the world at large.Although not the only drivers of social change,young people are seen to be pne the key drivers engendering change.whether this is inherent in the beliefs of young people or the hope for the future is placed uppn them by older generations is not gramme.However india is changing and developing,and thisaffects tge lives pf tge people living there in varying degrees depending on their individual circumstances.The young people can chnge the society. 18k41A0409
Join now What is the role of youth in society? What is the role of youth in society?
September 14, 2015 • 21 Likes • 5 Comments Usman Saeed Usman SaeedFollow Open for New Challenging Opportunities Youth are back bone to the nation.They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behavior. They are here to show us that which we have not been willing to look at within ourselves.Unfortunately today we find the youth those who are more interested in other places which are not useful to them as well as nation.They chooses to spend their days doing drugs and playing video games. they spends their nights partying and living it up, so to speak.More and more young men of this age group are sitting at home in front of their televisions playing games all day instead of bettering themselves or going to work. They have no vision and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any attempt at achieving them. We must get control of this. We must motivate our youth. We must teach responsibility and goal setting. I fear if we do not we will soon be supporting an entire generation of homeless and needlessly on welfare families. Things have to change, with our schools, with the older generation being good role models, with the older generation being mentors, and with the youth who are right now doing nothing 18k41a0164
ROLE OF YOUTH FOR A BETTER SOCIETY Youth play a main role in the betterment of the society as well as the development of the country. Youth are like the backbone of the country. There are 2 shades of youth one bad and also bad. On one side youth are participating in many events like sports and winning prizes for their country whereas on the other side it is youth who are also participating in crime, but this is not a fault of youth because youth find other forms of crime only because they are unemployed and India is rich in unemployment. So if we can find any means of employment for the youth there will be a reduction in the crime rate. For this to happen we must educate the youth and spread awareness. Siva Rama Krishna Koneru 18K41A05G9, SEC-F
A youth is any person between the age of 15 years and 30 years regardless of the gender. Unfortunately, the youth are the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future of any given society. This is because all other age groups, the kids, teenagers, middle aged and the senior citizens rely on the youth and expect a lot from them. This makes the youth to be an important age group in both today's society and the future society than other age groups.Therefore, due to the high dependence on youth in the society, we the youth have a role to play because the future of our families, communities and the country lies in our hands. Siddarth T 18K41A05G5 CSE-F
Youth has a very important role to play for society.for that we need to know why youth are so special.It is so because they are young,full of energy and educated with rationality as their ultimate belief.they are like the leading character of a movie.The role of the youth is simply to renew, refresh and maintain youth have a role to renew and refresh the current status of one society in cluding leadership,innovations,skills etc youth expected to advance the current technology, calculation,politics,peace of the country.some youth will think about the good future in they life
"A BETTER SOCIETY IS BUILT BY YOUTH"."FOR A BETTER SOCIETY NEEDS A BETTER YOUTH" Now-a-days youth are so advanced and very active in every aspect.Youth plays an imporant role in society. Society needs a very advanced and with with very good communication.Young people are full of ideas and have infine source of to put their ideas into practice.Youth can have the power to change the society.SO youth should come with more ideas for new inovative inventions for society. 18K41A0410 Sec-A
In the present generation, youth are more active and thinking about creative world. The young people of India of democracy which have kept before us. They are the part of modern society which plays a vital role in solving problems.They can fight against any problems or any situations and get success over it. When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented.when the young people come together they counters each other, they face challenges, they bring strong opinions to the people and they are invincible. Today's youth is full of spark, it burns everything it touches. 18k41A0512 Section. A
Youth is playing a prominent role in the present society.They are very important for the development of their own nations .Now -a-days they are mostly addicted to some of the bad habits like drinking,smoking,drugs..etc.Only few of them are concentrated and engaging in their works in building up of our nation.We should create a awareness to all of them that they can do any thing in their life with their hardwor and all that nothing is impossible if you try we should create some awareness so that they can be motivated and that leads to hardwork ultimately it leads to the success.
Now-a-days youth plays a major role for society develoment,by generating new ideas and implementing.The ideas should be useful for society.The future of country depends on youth,either for development or destruction.From childhood should be taught about society, further how to be a good citizen. How life turns only at a certain age in a way, how to be. Mainly Youth doesn't disturb the rules and regulations, which are necessary.
Now-a-days youth plays a part for development of the society, by implementing new ideas, which are useful for society .There are some boundaries which are never be crossed. The faith of country mainly depends on youth decisions.The decisions should not be for selflishness,it should be for country.Anything will be able to face. Raising and falling will occur. Education will make everything,doing hard work leads a person makes a good citizen 18K41A0524
It's truelly say that the youth is responsible for the future of India what options does the youth have to make"India greater".youth are back bone to the nation .They can change the future of the society ,with their well being and courageous behaviour.They spend precious time with friends and enjoying lot of time with them.more and more young men of the age sitting at youth can do anything for others a days can fought for reservations.because of for youth in India they can't see her knowledge cn see only marks these type youth can personally can changes their mood.youth can have personal problems their future because of by reservations of cutoff marks.the vision of the country lies in the hands of youth but youth can change the life. "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it" Thanking you sir Name:T.saikumar Sec :(J) 18K41A0372
In the present generation youth is lacking creativity and Inventory Ideas. People are running behind the rat race. One who follows the everyone do the same. If it continues then there will be no development in the society. There should be some changes in Indian education system where students are much bothered about marks than technical skills. Application of technical skills help for the development of nation. We should encourage youth what they are interested in their fields. Now a days parents & teachers are killing the student dreams. For an example In a class there is an artist who doesn't understand math.There's an entrepreneur who doesn't care about history.There's a musician whose chemistry marks won't matter. There's a sports person whose physical fitness is more important than physics. Future of the nation has to be built by the youth by participating each and every aspect enthusiastically.Youth has to be participated more in social issues for development of the country
Role of youth for better society:youth are the younger generation of india.Youth plays a prominent role for the development of the India by socially, politically, economically, legally, technically.To bring changes in the society we must need youth. Many social organizations are built by the youth and run by the youth and this organizations are helping the people. To develop India me must need youth and politically youth should be given opportunities to rule the Nation then India will became developed.we must need youth to bulit companies like start ups which will help the help people to get more jobs and more opportunities to the people and by starting companies india will develop economically.india is the second largest nation which have more young people in India. And India is a land of engineers where many people study technical improve technology we need youth.we are discussing good things about youth until now but there is a bad thing about youth. That is now a many young people are addicting ti drugs and spoiling their lifes at college levels And they are not serious about their career. This bad thing about younger generation but if we motivate them they will change. So we must conduct motivational programs in evry college. So we can see any change in young people.from this i conclude that youth plays a major role in society.
The role of youth in society to many ways but the youth of our society we will reform in education and skill development. In this society we have need to reform in perspective and personality. First of all we are not learn in 360 degree education and not connecting the dot but this is main problem of youth. In our society the youth of young people have many role. you will think about your family, country and your own it's important think. You create your develop your knowledge and personality and match the practical and spiritual life then you serve your nation. I am not saying that you are big role in our society but you will going on small step then your initiative a small step then this is big things. Protection: Youth are expected to protect their culture and tradition while at the same time makes it better and embrace changes in the society. For instance it is youth only who becomes a part of political movement for a major change in a country. They becomes a part of armed forces too, to safeguard the freedom of people and so on Growth: The growth of a country in all the spheres like Social, political and economic spheres mostly depends on youth only. They with a fresh energy can perform better and ensure the growth of society.
Now a days youth play the major role in the society. The youth are the backbone of the soceity. They determine the future of the society. This is all because everyone from a kid old people expects a lot from them to make a better society. Therefore, due to high dependence on youth in the society.,we the youth play the major role. For any country it needs a well educated and responsible people to develop it. For that the youth are very important. Since the youth hold the important part of our future society. So it's everyone to especially middle age and the senior citizens to guide the youth to move in a better to develop the society. So, let us raise the hand and work for our better society.
Youth plays important role in our daily life . They are considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to the society. They can bring vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments of country's economy and benefit to the society.youth are backbone of a society and country's development. They determine the future of any society. Youth have role to renew and refresh the current status of our society including leadership, innovation, skills .for any country to succeed the youth must be educated, well informed and should be responsible about the society and about future generations. The middle aged and senior citizens grow older ,many employment posts remain vacant .This vacant positions should be filled by youth.This will enhance economic well-being as well as the social life of the citizens serve. They bring new innovation and skills to the society and in job which helps to develop in industrialisation and as well as in economy of country. The works made by youth brings encouragement to teenagers and they will also part for country's development. Youth have the role of teaching teenagers and young generations. Youth plays better role in our day to day life. They protect the culture and tradition. The growth of a country in all the spheres like social ,political, and economic depends on youth only. Youth play important role in nation building.
Youth has a very important role to play for society.I am not saying that youth is not a big role in the society. But youth will going on small step then our initiatives a small step then it is a big things.Especially,In our world people are not aware of taking their own decision in any point such as education,creativity e.t.c..,Youth need to satisfy the need of people by educating them selves and others Alonso.They must play an important role for leading a better society.
Youth has a very important role to play for society.They are the persons who decides the future of our present situation or society. I am not saying that youth is not a big role in the society. But youth will going on small step then our initiatives a small step then it is a big things.Especially,In our world people are not aware of taking their own decision in any point such as education,creativity e.t.c..,Youth need to satisfy the need of people by educating them selves and others Alonso.They must play an important role for leading a better society. Name: Suma Sri Sec: j Roll no: 18K41A0163
Youth has a very important role to play for society. The growth of the country mostly depends upon the youth.They are considered as most dynamic & energetic assets of the nation. Young people often represent the future as their innovative and unique ideas play a key role in development of future.The youth is said to have hot and energetic blood. So it helps the youth to guide their career programs.It can mould the students into talented and competent individuals by groming them.When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented but finanacially poor students and it also helps the students to get admissions and study for their bright future to success their goals Sai Prashanth 4g2
As a young person I do believe that today’s decisions and actions won’t only affect my futures and may pears. but, it will have the strength to radically change it to the best or the worst. First, never underestimate yourself .meaning, a young girl or boy from a low-developed country, in an isolated town can probably have a tremendous effect and touching ideas on his or her society that will change mentalities and lifestyles forever. The only condition is: believing in yourself and try your best to apply your ideas. Our task is to fix mistakes that has been made by the past generation in order to ensure a future to our children. Everyone has someone who cares about. If thinking about the world seems a concept too wide, think that you are doing it for your girlfriend, your mother, or just for yourself. Nobody can afford the luxury of thinking "well, that's not my business" because we live under the same sky, we breath the same air and we share the same land. This is a problem of mine as well as yours and the only way to ensure a better world for everyone is to act together. One of the major tasks of young people is to create awareness. Let the world know what's going on. In order to do it, we need to augment to power of NGOs and have the support of the media.
This is our chance to create a better world and we can't waste it.
Youth has very power full right to do or to find new things what there ideas they implement freely without any failure.So do accept that today's children's are tomorrow citizens.So our country has a better youth power but the youth are not at all have any opinion to develop our country because of there will no proper goverence.And under this goverence there will be no proper rules to enhance or to over come the youth to develop our country.Because of these reason somany youngster's are going to abroad for there better future .And they habitating to there culure .So because of these reason our country is still develping only but not developed. As a youth we have to develop our country. Name: panthangi Rajkumar Sec:F Roll no : 18k41A04F4
Youth are often forced to live with the consequences of those who have lived before them, regardless of whether they had a say or participated in the outcome. We must motivate our youth. We must teach responsibility and goal setting. I fear if we do not, we will soon be supporting an entire generation of homeless and needlessly on welfare families. Things have to change, with our schools, with the older generation being good role models, with the older generation being mentors, and with the youth who are right now doing nothing. Those of you who are in their teen age, you have a choice. You can allow yourselves to stay your course and do nothing or you can rise above what the cynics around you expect and go get educated or get jobs. Show the older generation that they are wrong about you. Let them know you have intelligence and skills. Show yourself what you are made of. You might be surprised at how proud of yourself you become with even the smallest of accomplishments. I can tell you that nothing can happen if you do not try. I am very unfortunate to say that our young generation in our society they are not up to the challenge to face the music and make themselves ready for every obstacle to face and tackle the problems, crises and critical circumstances of today’s challenges. It is on us to save the future and be the hope of the country because in the current era which we live there is a dire need of improvement and achievement. To get rid of the ongoing problems and overcome the obstacles we have to voluntarily participate in the social; cultural and political activities in the country. Key role of youth in society is to renew, refresh & maintain a civilization.
Now-a-days youth are active, energetic, creative and enthusiastic part of modern society. they are also backbone to our nation. They are playing a major role in our society. they are discovering crazy things that even great scientists are excited to see them. But only minor part of the youth are putting their efforts to strengthen their nation. But remaining youth is wasting it's time getting addicted to useless things that will no longer make them useful to society, they have to change themselves, convert themselves into builders of nation, only then the nation becomes more stronger. If youth tries to do better things then no one are able to stop them. Their ideas are limitless, their vision is boundless. If youth tries to change themselves, then automatically nation changes. That's the connection between youth and nation.
In order to consider the role of youths in India it is helpful to first consider the overall situation in India as this provides the context in which
young people are growing up. There are two areas in particular to consider: the transition towards being a developed country and the changes in population.
India has made great strides in technology and other areas, including the space programme. However, much of the country remains unaffected by such
developments and there is still much to be done to create an inclusive society where the living conditions for the whole population are brought up to an
acceptable level and absolute poverty is eradicated. The differences between castes and religions also still remain a factor in the cohesiveness of the
population as a whole.
The population of India is also still increasing substantially and is expected to exceed that of China by the middle of this centure.
The youth is full of ideas, they have the finger on the pulse, so they are best suited for the nation and the economy to grow. when young people come together, they counter eachother, they face challenges,they bring strong opinions on the table and they are invisible. The new entrepreneurs of our country are sure to bring success and a challenge in the working system of the country.The offices are becoming friendly and rather than full and boring people have started loving their jobs and are passionate about them D.saiteja january 26,2019at2:51pm Mechanical 18K41A0377 Sec-j
In our youth role is very important.Because they are the icon of our country .To develop or to moderate our country youth icon is the Jawaharlal Nehru also said that for youngsters we must motivate to everyone but we should must not be motivated .In our country so many inventions are created by the help of scientist means the thoughts of youth.Every creation in our world is made by day by day our thoughts creating our world to the youth makes an important role for our country and for development of our country.In everyone's life youth is a major role at that if we select correct path our life is meaningful.If we select wrong path our life is disturbed.
Youth is the future of society as they bring new ideas into this world. They can achieve anything with their energy and enthusiasm which leads to new discoveries which make this world a better place to live in,not only discoveries their brain is a ocean of creativity and out of box thinking.if they are determined they can achieve literally anything. K. Sushmitha Sec-j 18K41A0266
Youth has talent as well as creativity. They just don't know where to use and how to use their creativity. If proper guidance along with training is given, they become unstoppable.Youth are not interested in development of their surroundings, but they only focus on the development Of their own. This should be changed. Some of the young people have many great ideas ,but they don't express their thoughts and ideas thinking how the society judge them. That is the main reason for the lack of participation of youth in any field. If the youth overcome this fear,they can make wonders. Every country can become a developed country.
Youth play a important role in the development of the society.But now-a-days they are not utilising the opportunities to develop the country.They are the backbone of our nation.So they should be responsible to develop our nation. .They are very energetic to possess any kind of situation.The youth with a fresh energy can perform better and ensure the growth of the society.I conclude that they have to get motivated by some legends of our nation and they will move on their life.
The youth’s role in society is to find out who they want to be and how they want to form that identity. The youth also play an essential role in adapting to and possibly even reshaping social norms. The youth’s role in society is to appreciate the works of those who have labored tirelessly before them and to mentor and to teach the young. Ultimately the youth are to share with the society what they have learned about themselves and the world. The keywords are: explore, learn, appreciate, respect, give back, share, and mentor.o enjoy a relatively carefree youth. Protected from harm by their parents and other adults so they can grow and learn and develop into mature young adults. They need down time to rest and day dream and enjoy the beauty of nature. They need to explore many types of activities and think about what career they may want to pursue and how important work is to creating a life and family. They need to learn about the history of our country and our Constitution. Role of youth in our society must be:- 1 . Give priority to your education. 2. Don't be lazy. Work hard , dream big, and achieve those dream. 3. Take care of your parents. 4. Don't support casteism. 5. Accept all genders in the society. 6. Don't make fun of vulnerables. 7. Give importance to your ethics than money. 8. Always take stand for justice. 9. Respect everyone in the society. 10. Don't waste time.
Youth has important role to play for society. Growth:the growth of a country in all the spheres like social,political and economic spheres mostly depends on youth only.they with a fresh energy can perform better and ensure the growth of society. The role of youth in society to many ways but the youth of our society we will reform in education and skill development. Youth are backbone to the nation. They can change the future of the society with their well change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behaviour. Youth in any country form it's backbone. It is on youths shoulders that the responsibility for change,progress and innovations lies.
Youth play a major role in our society. As we all know that youth are the reason for the development of society. In today's generation if youth does not work hard and lead his own life then he is treated in a very bad way. Because they teach the coming generations how to lead a life and how to overcome the problems. As we know that the world's population is youth and they are divided in to what ever the courses they are interested in. According to the sources nearly 42% of the people in the world are under 25 years of age. Now a days youth has become inactive and they are not interested in social and service minded society. The main cause of this catastrophe is the increment in inventions and ideas that kept them engrossed. As patriotic citizens, their works should help in promoting national integration.
Youth has important role to play for society.Youth are back bone to the nation.They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behaviour.unfortunately today we find the youth those who are more interested in other places which are not useful to them as well as nation.The role of youth is simply to renew ,refresh the current status of our society including leadership, innovation,skills etc. Youth are expected to advance the current the technology, education, politics and peace of the country. On the other hand ,youth has to maintain the culture of our society.It is the youth of a country that plays the most important role in nation building.key role of youth in society is to renew renew refresh and maintain a civilization.youth through organisation for a specific aim and positive direction can contribute more towards the national development.
Youth plays the most important role in every field. Youth can do numerous things for the development of the country or society. Youth is a stage in life at which both body and mind supports him for the development of his/her abilities and skills. According to an American research at youth stage of a person his/her mind works with accuracy and concentration. So if the youth are directed in a proper way their wisdom can be used for creating wonders in many fields. As our country is with high percentage of youth, future of our country is in the hands of today's youth. But if the youth are misguided it will become the greatest threat for the future and their intelligence will be worthless. Moreover in the present generation most of the youth are being attracted for the bad than good. 18K41A05G7 Sheshipal.K
Yes,youth palyes an valibel role in society like economic,education, health, politics,and many other. It is difficult that if youth don't go in right path. As in economy our nation is growing rapidly and it is proud moment to all of us.But some people is flying to foreign countries for luxury. As education concern impeccable results are observed and should be continue that.To change our nation youth must participate in politics and that can really help our nation.Our health status is also good in our India .So at last I conclude that youth must travel in right track and should make there respective countries proud...
The youth are the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future of the society. Youth withstands the power of society. This is because all other age groups rely on the youth and expect a lot from them. This makes the youth to be an important age group in both today's society and the future society.Therefore, due to the high dependence on youth in the society, we the youth have a role to play because the future of our country lies in our hands. The role of the youth is simply to renew, refresh and maintain. Youth have a role to renew and refresh the current status of our country. They are expected to advance the country.
Today youth is tomorrow nation and today youth are our students.Education is were a youth gets formed from education is infact characaturer building in youth.When students are being treatded with due respect and respanbulity they have also lived up to be and respect in retarna to the society ween being.Today there are many activitisy that youth take initiatives for the betterment of the youth we have seen that youth of the younger classes taking sets to plant tress and thus promoting tress and the importance of planting tress for the coming generations rather then felling tress.finally the youth is main role for the youth socity. 《18K41A0268》 《SEC~J》
Today youth is tomorrow nation and today youth are our students.Education is were a youth gets formed from education is infact characaturer building in youth.When students are being treatded with due respect and respanbulity they have also lived up to be and respect in retarna to the society ween being.Today there are many activitisy that youth take initiatives for the betterment of the youth we have seen that youth of the younger classes taking sets to plant tress and thus promoting tress and the importance of planting tress for the coming generations rather then felling tress.finally the youth is main role for the youth socity. 《18K41A0268》 《SEC~J》
Today youth is tomorrow nation and today youth are our students.Education is were a youth gets formed from education is infact characaturer building in youth.When students are being treatded with due respect and respanbulity they have also lived up to be and respect in retarna to the society ween being.Today there are many activitisy that youth take initiatives for the betterment of the youth we have seen that youth of the younger classes taking sets to plant tress and thus promoting tress and the importance of planting tress for the coming generations rather then felling tress.finally the youth is main role for the youth socity. 《18K41A0268》 《SEC~J》
Each age group in society has its own role and this is important in many different ways.Youngpeople are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists. They can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large.There are two areas in particular to consider the transition towards being a developed country and the changes in population.India has made great strides in technology and other areas, including the space programme. on the perspective being used ability of the young people to fully participate in this way, however, is inhibited by two main factors. The first is the level of education,and the second is their caste and/or religious position.The youth of India make up approximately a quarter of the the role of youth is playing a significant role in our society and they are the backbone of our country.
Hi To The Readers Iam Going To Write a message About The Youth Role Of Youth For a Better society My Advice For A Youth Is To Stop The Drugs To see Every Person in the society with a good manners ,To Stop Taking Bribe for marriages and in thier job Educated Persons Should Devolop their surrouding areas one main thing is youth must travel near by places by cycles because of the trafi is more in the INDIA.the youth should pay tax for govt in any aspets youth should motivate to others do good be good see good and he himself should be good in all
The role of youth in society to many ways but the youth of our society we will reform in and tradition while at the same time makes it better and embrace changes in the society.youth are back bone to the nation.They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behaviour .They are here to show us that which we have not been willing to look at within ourselves.unfortunately today we find the youth those who are interested in other places which are not useful to them as well as nation.They have no vision and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any attempt at achieving them.Things have to change ,with our schools,with the older generation being mentors,and with the youth who are right now doing nothing those of you are in age of teen,you have a can allow yourselves to stay your course and do nothing or you can rise above what the cynics around you expect and go get educated or get the older generations they are wrong about you.let them know you have intelligence and skills.
The Youth occupies a special place in social environment. Now-a-days youth are energetic,active,creative and enthusiastic,they plays a vital role in solving problems. Ideas of youth and skills are spread into their surroundings like wild fire.The working youth form energetic in society. Sometimes they travels only in one direction because of without proper guidance from their superior people. But they had many other ways to develop the country,we can say that really they are weak at politics and they are not interested in agriculture. But farmer is backbone to our nation,below 20% had interested in farming and agriculture. They involves decisions in giving heavy responsibilities to the youth. We correctly say that future is in their hands.
Each age group in the society has there own role. But youth has main important role because it is the correct age to work hard. Youth has to play key role to change society. Now a day's young people are addicted to bad habit's and doing some unwanted works.some of the young people are very different from others experienced by their parent's, they have traditional values and cultural behaviours to better society youth has to focus on developing the technology and usage of it in a proper manner What is the failures of elder people we has to focus on that and clarify in a better and easiy way easy way.
Youth is the backbone for society Youth have to create new platform for society. Now-a-days youth not have nice opportunities fulfil there dreams. Education helps to built on the way to society .In our country different types of youth person's are they in our country .youth have nice talent each youth think that we reach our goal .But when we not reach our goal life shop that wrong way we think that try and try until u success you reach goal. Youth have many problems in our society. In conclude Youth have more powerful weapon to create new society and change the world .
Youth is the backbone for society. Youth have to create new platform for society. Now-a-days youth not have nice opportunities to fulfil there dreams. Education helps to built on the way to society .In our country different types person's are they.Youth have nice talent each youth think that we reach our goal. But when we not reach our goal life stop that wrong way we think that try and try until you success your goal. Youth have many problems in our country . Youth have to create new up coming future generations . In conclude Youth have more powerful weapon to create new society and change the world.
Today's youth are the country's future. The youth and future will always be linked in,because none can exist in the absence of other.Youth is a significant symbol of strength and persistence.Youth a important role in all round development of country and must contribute in different fields.For example, let's take the field of technology-Young people combined with powerful tool technology are already showing great walk over achieving development. Today youth actively contributing in creation of new jobs,economic empowerment,new startups through digital platforms.Youth are even being discovered as young entrepreneurs through technology platforms. Still there are many opportunities for youth through technology.Young political participation even has great benefits to the country.The youth face many issues in the society, but many are unheard.Since the youth would better understand other young people, active participation of them in politics will uncover all the problems and the protests led by them will have more effect.Young people who participate in their community from early on will become engaged citizens.Youth even play great role in humanitarian sector. Many humanitarian programs contributing to protection, health, security of young women,children,helping needy,charity,etc..Youth can even get carrier prospects through these services.Youth are so talented and capable for coming up with effective solutions to many problems of society. The only problem is they will not able to know their inner potential and contribute for development of country. This is a wake up call for us.The time has come for our contribution for better future. Lets arise and work towards our future and support our nation as strong pillars. AREEFA 18K41A0505 SECTION A
In simple words society means the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. A youth is any person between the age of 15 years and 30 years regardless of the gender. Unfortunately, the youth are the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future of any given society. This is because all other age groups, the kids, teenagers, middle aged and the senior citizens rely on the youth and expect a lot from them. This makes the youth to be an important age group in both today's society and the future society than other age groups.Therefore, due to the high dependence on youth in the society, we the youth have a role to play because the future of our families, communities and the country lies in our hands.
The future is here with the youngsters. Youngsters are very dynamic and with lot of intelligence. Which can change the world into advanced. Youth can be guided by the experienced wise man to get into a proper track. Every youngster should show his skill and intelligence. If a youngster has no knowledge about development of society first he has to train himself and changing into right path. Because If a younster develop himself it will automatically leads to the development of society. For every youngster make sure you are running for a destiny which will change the fate of society. If youth start taking care of society you can't imagine the beauty of world. Every one in this world is skillful with various activities. Do the things at which you are best don't get scary of any one if the path is right no one can stop you from reaching your destiny Sec-j 18K41A0376
If a youngster want to become like a farmer encourage him don't criticise him with your unnecessary talk.If he succeed in his dream. One day he can become as a backbone to the world. Which can change into a whole new level of society Harish. S Sec-j 18K41A0376
Youth are back bone to the Nation. They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behavior. The role of the youth is simply to renew,refresh and maintain. They are very energetic to possess any kind of situation. The young people of India should try to give a practical shape to the ideals of democracy which have kept before us. All I mean is that nothing will happen if the youth don't work to accomplish their role. Youth can do a lot for the development of the country or society. Youth is stage in life at which both body and mind supports him for the development of his/her mind works with accuracy. So if the youth directed in a proper way their wisdom can be used for creating something in a field. All it needs to change a country is a new generation with better future sight. Nothing comes on to a silver platter. Youth needs guidance from expert people. If they can't find any ,they should searching, until they find something that really works. You will not become rich over night either way but at least if you make an effort ,then you have begun your journey to your dreams. Sinde supriya 18k41A04G4 Sec-F ECE
India is the top country in youth population.Now a day's youth are being challenged in search of jobs.Where their are less Oppurtunities for many people.So,youth are mostly concentrateing in achieving their goals very seriously.young people are the future key for country's development.they are the backbone for society.But some youngster's were wasting their time for only fun and entertainment. In college's some students were trying very hard to fulfill their destiny and some were miss leaded and learning bad habits and bad behavior.It is the major problem now a day's youth are facing.To get rid of it they must determine very strongly to get rid of bad attitude and behavior.Todays youth development will show brightest future and keep their families and them,my word for all the youngsters to determine their goals in a positive way and and maintain positive attitude to never give up at fullfilling their destiny.try and try until you success and keep your family and society happy.
As youth has many roles to do for this society. Many roles are there for the youth. And I want to say some of them. One thing is about politics. Many youngsters know what is going in the society and they know many problems in the society and they will be developing this society in the better way. And second one is ,many youngsters are struggling to get jobs. But instead of that they may focus on improvement in the agriculture field and they may develop this field. And mainly they should bring awareness in people not to take money while selecting their leader in the part of elections.
Each age group in society has its own role and this is important in many different ways.Young people are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists. They can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large.India has made great strides in technology and other areas, including the space programme.However, much of the country remains unaffected by such developments and there is still much to be done to create an inclusive society where the living conditions for the whole population are brought up to an acceptable level and absolute poverty is eradicated. The differences between castes and religions also still remain a factor in the cohesiveness of the population as a whole.
The youth play a major role in the society because they know each and every ascept of the society and what correct and what should be done.if the youth can use the power in the correct manner then the country will be developed a soon.Not only our country.The youth will be thinking out of the box for developing of the country.But some the politicians will be thinking to fill that box with the full of money.And the politicians will be selfish and they won't think about others they will be thinking only their respective members should be happy but youth does not think like that they will be making each and person happy.yes,the youth will be playing a major role but they also some guidelines of the experienced people if the people who are experienced should be teaching good not the bad.May or may not be the youth will be a back bone of their own country.The each and every person will be responsible for their country. A single person may not built not the building but altogether do the work and will be successful so not only the youth play a major role in the society.The youth will be thinking different categories for developing the country in the part of the technology and they will be thinking that each and every person should do the work which should be a smart work which is usefull for developing of the country.
A student may or may not have good at his skills .but our Indian youth will be feeling bad by the reservation system of our country. Reservations a the main stone to defeat the youth people to show there talent to our country . This system has led a huge loss to country which no one can realise because no one really cares about raw talent.youth will have the more rights to decide the correct person to our country .most of the decisions should be taken by youth because they will find the correct solution for every answer.finally one thing can be decide is youth has more rights than all in our society even in our country.
The life of a society is 'youth'. The future of any society depends on the practical and spiritual molding of the youth. Any revolution cannot be victorious without the role of youth. The youth acts as the major and strong force of the revolution. Their youthful energy allows them to perform great feats in the theater of battle and also allows them to be the most active transmitters of ideas and skills. According to me, young people in the present day do not belong to active, skilled, social and service minded society as the increment in inventions which kept changing the minds of youth. Youth should get involved into all the fields for the growth of creative nation and also should put an end to corruption and bribery. Finally, youth should get involved into all the social issues to build a strong society. "Growth is never by mere chance, it is the result of force working together."
India is a country where there is the highest youth strength. Youth play a vital role in the development of a country in all sectors where all round development occurs when every youngster takes part in role of society. For an example India is facing with many problems like domination of rich people, scams of politions and deaths of farmers . Even government has introducing many programs and schemes to overcome this difficulties it is not working properly because, youth is not playing there role with proper plans. Now-a-days people is thinking only about there family there environment eventhough parents are not encouraging there children to take concern on society. Parents are thinking that there child should settle well with a good job. It is not a right sign to have a good relationship in society. Many problems can be solved with the connection of young ideas and there idealogy meets the needs of a country to overcome the difficulties in society, and problems facing by over country. Swami vevekananda, Abudl kalam many great people sacrifed and encouraged there whole live to strengthen youth energy in India, when ever youngster thinks as there responsibility then development and standard of living grows. 5F7
I agree with 5G7. What he said is true. According to my opinion India has more percentage of youth comparing with other countries. But India is still a developing country. It is really sad to say. Why this is happening? Is only the mistake of youth! No, it is everyone mistake. But youth can solve this. But in 100% only 2-10% are trying there level best. But remaining are busy. Youth are forgotting there responsibilities. They are busy with social media. Social media can develop as well as destroy. Pub culture spread like a wild fire. Due to this youth following wrong ways like chain snatching, robbery etc. The well educated students going to foreign for jobs to earn high. Then how our country can develop? Youth have to realise about there responsibilities and there need for our country. Youth can do any thing in may be construction or destruction.youth plays a vital role in development of a nation. 18K41A04H4 Sec-F
The role of youth in society to many ways but the youth of our society we will reform in education and skill development. In this society we have need to reform in perspective and personality. First of all we are not learn in 360 degree education and not connecting the dot but this is main problem of youth.
In our society the youth of young people have many role.
you will think about your family, country and your own it's important think. You create your develop your knowledge and personality and match the practical and spiritual life then you serve your nation. I am not saying that you are big role in our society but you will going on small step then your initiative a small step then this is big things. In our world people are not aware ineffect they will not choose a clear decision so in point of view our strength is education, creativity, innovation and also enjoyment own and others. You will help on other person for economy wealth and education purpose then youth people realise a own responsibility then he will done a important role of society. 5. And last thing you will help a person then your happiness is very high. You will doing any work then you will create a happiness and your journey is fulfilling your life.
The role of the youths towards the nation building First of all we have that the youths are the period between childhood and adulthood. Secondly, the nation is a country considered as a group of people living in a certain territory under one Government. Thirdly, we also have to know “Building” here means not masonry constructed, instead the development of the nation, the future of our country.
The vision of our country lies in the hands of our youths. They are filled with tremendous and towering ambitions. It will be a great wastage of human resources if these youths are not given an opportunity to exercise their talent. This beautiful land needs these youths in order for our soil to become a brighter one.
The primary role of young people is to get a good education in order to become better citizens of tomorrow. They need to learn skills to do the job that their country’s economy needs. They also need to know how to read, write, think, understand, analyse, and discuss the issues their country faces. The entire success of the nation depends on the youths. However, in order for continuous success to take place; it is the Government’s responsibility to provide the youth with proper facilities for, getting equipped with the knowledge of the modern era. Roll no: 18K41A05F6 N.Avinash Sec: f
In order to consider the role of youths in India it is helpful to first consider the overall situation in India as this provides the context in which
young people are growing up. There are two areas in particular to consider: the transition towards being a developed country and the changes in population.
India has made great strides in technology and other areas, including the space programme. However, much of the country remains unaffected by such
developments and there is still much to be done to create an inclusive society where the living conditions for the whole population are brought up to an
acceptable level and absolute poverty is eradicated. The differences between castes and religions also still remain a factor in the cohesiveness of the youth 18k41A04F1
Essays Social Work Role of Youth in Society 4364 word (17 pages) essay in Social Work
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Introduction Each age group in society has its own role and this is important in many different ways. Youth as a description of a sector of society has many definitions
depending on the perspective being used. For the purposes of this discussion youth will be considered to be the stage of life involving transition into
adulthood: approximately age 15 to 25.
Young people are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists. They
can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large. Although not the
only drivers of social change, young people are seen to be one the key drivers engendering change. Whether this is inherent in the beliefs of young people 5g1
Youth is a back bone of the nation.Youth are not only the leader of tomorrow but also the partners of today. Young people are social actors of change and progress. they are a crucial segment of a Nation development . Their contribution, therefore,is highly needed Youth always has been the key to any of the activities in the world be it was , politics,constr constr works,you name it and youth has,is and will have been involved. The hunger ,desive ,moti motiva,ddetermination and high energy of the youth can make all the difference in either destroying or buliding a Nation . There are a lot of other revolutionary youth leader around the world who have changed the world towards the devolopment. Youth through organizing for a spacispe aim and positive direction can contribute more towards the nation devolopment.
1. What is your opinion on youth? According to me youth is between the age of 15 to 30 years regardless of the gender. The youth are the backbone of society and they determine the future of any given society. This makes the youth to be an important age group in both today's society and the future society than other age groups. Youth will refresh the current status of our society including leadership, innovations, skills etc. youth are expected to advance the current technology, education, politics ,peace of the country. First of all, kids and teenagers need to be advised ,taught and encouraged by the youth. Youth also have to be a role model to young generation. For any country to succeed, it needs educated, well informed and responsible leaders. The best leaders are the youths. The youth have to correct the mistakes and short comings of previous leaders and completely change the particular society. Youth have to take care on society.
Youth are the backbone of the society and they determine the future of the society. This is because all the other age group like teenager, middle aged and the senior citizens will expect a lot from them. This makes the youth an important age in today's society and future society. The main role play of youth is to maintain the society in a new form like leadership, skills etc. Youth are expected to maintain the current education, politics and peace of the country. On the other side youth also have to maintain the culture of our country, all good values of society etc. After the youth, kids and the teenagers are the youth for the next generation. So youth should teach the kids and the teenagers. They have to teach both kids and teenagers in all aspects like what is good and bad and how to solve problems in life.
In my point of view,when I consider about education system. Education plays a vital role for the development of youth as well as of our country.Youth should make it appropriate according to the time and changing scenario of the world.Education provides an opportunity to reflect upon the social,economic cultural and moral issues facing by human beings.To develop India as a digital nation in global development,Youth has to strengthen higher education with research and development. Youth have certain responsibility towards their nation,which they must recognize and practice instead of blaming the system of our nation.Youth can come together and shape the future of our country. Youth are the social actors to bring the change and progress.If the power of youth is used wisely and optimally then it can surely lead to nation development. V.koushikvarma 4G9 Sec [F]
The role of the youth is simply to renew, refresh and maintain. Youth have a role to renew and refresh the current status of our society including leadership, innovations, skills etc. Youth are expected to advance the current technology, education, politics, peace of the country. On the other hand, youths have also to maintain the culture of our culture, all good values in the societies, development projects, etc.
First of all, kids and teenagers need to be advised, taught and encouraged by the youth. Youth also have to be a good example to the young generation. The youth have to teach both the teenagers and kids all aspects of general life, show them the way so that they grow up the right and the wrong. Youths have to advise and encourage teenagers and help them to solve social, educational, psychological, emotional and various problems the teenagers encounter in life. Youth have the role of teaching teenagers and the young generation what teachers and parents don't.Secondly, as the middle aged and the senior citizens grow older, many employment posts remain vacant. This vacant positions have to
be filled by non other than the youth. This will enhance economic well-being as well as the social life of the citizens the serve. Youths have to bring in new innovations, new skills in the job industry for more productivity at a lower cost because they will do away with old technology or they will invent new ways of doing a certain job. In doing so the country will develop in terms of industrialization and both her economic and social well-being 18K41A04G5
Young people are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists. They can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large. They are not only the drivers of social change but also play a vital role to enhance the modification in technology,science etc...When they gather they put strong ideas on the table and are invincible.The new entrepreneurs of our country are sure to bring success and a change in working system of the country. They should be given an opportunity to expose their intelligence to the world and make themselves into someone. The youths are our life and nation. The foundation of every society is the education of its youth. In conclusion, the role of youth in the national building is crucial. They are problem solvers, have a positive influence on the nation, and are extremely ambitious. They have the ability to create an identity for themselves and move the nation forward.
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Young people possess energy, but it should be channelized in the right direction. Where the Young people are guided by older generation. And programmed to walk in the same path as the previous generation. there is nothing but a repeating the same generation again with a mere Development. If this changes everything will be centuries ahead where youth can be A.I instead of a programmed bot.
ReplyDeleteThe Young people of India should try to give a practical shape to the ideals of democracy which have kept before us. politics costs years of development because of misguided greedy politicians, and only young people can change it. All it needs to change a country is a new generation with better future sight. Nothing comes onto a silver platter. All I mean is that nothing will happen if the youths don't work to accomplish their role. Education is the most important. For one to gain skills, innovations and knowledge you must study to be in this society. So apart this is major role of the youth, youths also have a role to study since it is the key to success and development. Nothing can happen if you do not try, bad or good. You will not become rich overnight either way but at least if you make an effort, then you have begun your journey to your dreams..
Key role of youth in society according to me is 3R's:- renew, refresh & rise above.
Teacher's Feedback:
1. Ideas are good
2. Using technical terminology is a different idea
Areas to improve:
1 Where the Young people are guided by older generation....? Beginning the sentence with Where.....not in proper structure..
2. there is nothing...After full stop, next sentence starts with capital letter.
3.If this changes everything will be centuries : Stick on to one tense either present or future....
4. Mere statements will not give strength to argument or writer's point of view unless until gives some supporting examples or evidence...keep focus on them...
5. Linkers are so essential to connect ideas... use them next time to connect the ideas....
Try to rectify the mistakes in the next post....
All the best...
DeleteNow-a-days youth are energytic, active, creative and enthusiastic. They are the part of modern society which plays a vital role in solving problems. It's easy for the youth to communicate, to share their ideas and accept the change.
ReplyDeleteYouth needs guidance form expert people. If they can't find any,they should keep searching ,until they find something that really works.If they minds have not been too damaged.
Youth has a very important role to play for society. The growth of the country mostly depends upon the youth.They are considered as most dynamic & energetic assets of the nation. Young people often represent the future as their innovative and unique ideas play a key role in development of future.The youth is said to have hot and energetic blood. They can fight against any problem or situation and get success over it.The only thing is they must be properly guided and trained. Also they must be given opportunity to prove themselves. To conclude "Youth is the power of nation".
ReplyDeleteIn the present generation, youth are more active and they're always thinking about creative world.Naipunya international strongly belive that a student needs proper guidance and personalized care in their lifes.For these students need to be guide at every step in the process.So it helps the youth to guide their career programs.It can mould the students into talented and competent individuals by groming them.When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented but finanacially poor students and it also helps the students to get admissions and study for their bright future to success their goals.
In the present generation, youth are more active and they're always thinking about creative world.Naipunya international strongly belive that a student needs proper guidance and personalized care in their lifes.For these students need to be guide at every step in the process.So it helps the youth to guide their career programs.It can mould the students into talented and competent individuals by groming them.When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented but finanacially poor students and it also helps the students to get admissions and study for their bright future to success their goals.
In the present generation, youth are more active and they're always thinking about creative world.Naipunya international strongly belive that a student needs proper guidance and personalized care in their lifes.For these students need to be guide at every step in the process.So it helps the youth to guide their career programs.It can mould the students into talented and competent individuals by groming them.When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented but finanacially poor students and it also helps the students to get admissions and study for their bright future to success their goals.
DeleteIn the present generation, youth are more active and they're always thinking about creative world.Naipunya international strongly belive that a student needs proper guidance and personalized care in their lifes.For these students need to be guide at every step in the process.So it helps the youth to guide their career programs.It can mould the students into talented and competent individuals by groming them.When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented but finanacially poor students and it also helps the students to get admissions and study for their bright future to success their goals.
DeleteNation building refers to the process of structuring a national identity using power of the state.It aims at uniting the citizens of the nation.The efforts of youth can help in rapid growth and development of our nation.young people are full of ideas and have infinite source of energy to put their ideas into practice.Youths are up-to-date with current happenings and latest technology.Youth fight got an identity in society,equali eq,the homeless, unemployment,pove pov and for other problems which the world faces today.Youth is not only the partner of today but also the leadreof tomorrow varsha 18K41A0504
ReplyDeleteYouth are backbone to the nation.They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behaviour.More and more young men of this age are sitting at home in front of their telivisions playing games all day instead of bettering themselves or going to work .They have no vision and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any attempt at achieving them.we must get control of this .we must motivate our youth. We must teach responsibility and goal setting .If we do not we will soon be supporting an entire generation of of homeless and needlessly on welfare families.Things have to change ,with our schools, with the older generation being good role models ,with older generation being mentors,and with the youth who are right now doing nothing.youth can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behaviour.
DeleteRoll number:18k41A0407
Friendship is a valuable relationship which gives support to life, encouragement. friendship is not just a word a feeling between two persons. It is a strong believe in relationship. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. But in my life it is fake. So I won't believe in this relationship. friendship is not for use and throw .
ReplyDeleteAggadi Dharani
Sec - A
The role of the youth is simply to renew, refresh and maintain. Youth are expected to advance the current technology, education, politics,peace of the country on the other hand, youth have also maintain the culture of our country, all good values in the societies, development projects, etc
Youth has a very important role to play for society for that we need to know why youth are so special. It is so because they are young .full of energy and educated with rationality as their ultimate. Belief now their role in society.
Delete1.Reproduce :reproduction here does not mean increasing the population. But it means that they full fill the position left by the son takes up the position of father in a company
2.Protection:youth are expected to protect their culture and traditional. While at the same time makes, it better and embrace changes in the society .for instance it is youth only. Who becomes a part of political movement for a major change in a country. They becomes a part of armed forces too, to safeguard the freedom of people and so on
There are many other roles of youth in the society. They are like the leading character of a movie. Youth also need to take care of old ones who are now going to be dependent
By D.saiteja
Youth play a important role in the development of the society.But now-a-days they are not utilising the opportunities to develop the country.They are the backbone of our nation.So they should be responsible to develop our nation.They should obey elders and take guidelines from them.Them must rectify their own mistakes.Everyone should have an enthusiasm to develop their own nation.If opportunity doesn't knock the door,they must have a zeal to build a door.Attitude,behaviour, character plays the important role for their success. The youth of today have to become the inspiration of tommorow.
These days youth are placing a major role in this society.They are a part of developing the nation.They are very energetic to possess any kind of situation.The youth with a fresh energy can perform better and ensure the growth of the society.They can change the society with their ideas and thoughts.The youth are placing one-third of the workforce in our country.Our youth are agents of change in the society.
ReplyDeleteToday's youth is tomorrow's nation. Youth has a cruicial role to play for society ----growth:the growth of a country in all the spheres like social, political and economic spheres mostly depends on youth only. Youth are back bone to the nation. In young stage anything can possible. In youngsters brain fresh and good knowledge will be dumped. Youngsters are the major role in society. Inspiration is also through the youngsters.
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious that the youth is a very important integral part of any country as they are the ones that define the future of a particular country. In short, we can say that the future of any society depends on the practical and spiritual molding of the youth.
All societies pay special attention to the youth. Youth is the time when innovative, creative thoughts and ideas pop up in mind and which shape up the community and the nation we live in. The policies, plans and development works of the nation can best be implemented by youth. They are more enthusiastic and energetic and if their potential is used in the right direction they can ensure rapid progress.
Youth constitutes major portion of the total population. Such a major portion of the population plays an important role in the development of the nation and cannot be ignored. The determination and energy with which youth can work makes them the most valuable and capable citizens of the nation. However, it is important that the youth gets to exercise their freedom of speech, ideas and opinions. They should get the right platform to voice their opinions, share their ideas and know their hidden talent.
Huda Mahveen
Sec A
Youth plays a major role in building up the nation.And the contribution of youth is important in sturcturing the nation.The value of the country is known buy it's people.Every citizen of our country plays a major role in the progress and development of our country.Youths have certain responsibility towards their nation,they come together and shape the future of our country.They can bring rapid change and development with sincere efforts.It is a vital to bukid uo the future of our youth by providing them education and other means of development.Education helps in building the right foundation of a person and empowers him to make independent choices.Employement opportunities should be provided to youth .Youths want the nation to be a better place.Hence, I conclude that they should get the motivation and support.
ReplyDeleteYouth are backbone to the nation.They can change the future of the society.The growth of a country in all aspects like social,poltical and economical aspects mostly depends on youth only.They with a fresh energy can perform better and ensure the growth of society.
Youth plays a major role in building up the nation.And the contribution of youth is important in sturcturing the nation.The value of the country is known buy it's people.Every citizen of our country plays a major role in the progress and development of our country.Youths have certain responsibility towards their nation,they come together and shape the future of our country.They can bring rapid change and development with sincere efforts.It is a vital to bukid uo the future of our youth by providing them education and other means of development.Education helps in building the right foundation of a person and empowers him to make independent choices.Employement opportunities should be provided to youth .Youths want the nation to be a better place.Hence, I conclude that they should get the motivation and support.
Section :A
A youth is someone who is not a child anymore and is yet to enter adulthood. At this age, most youth possess the curiosity and excitement of a young child and knowledge of an adult.
ReplyDeleteNow-a-days there are so many types of youths are there. Some youths will think about the good future in they life. Some youths will think about the present situation they think that how to deal the situation. Some youths will be there they will take the responsibilities of their families and they will work hard and at last one day they will success their life they know the value of education. Education is the only one thing which can change the life for any one. They can bring rapid change and development with sincere efforts.It is a vital to bukid uo the future of our youth by providing them education and other means of development.
I conclude that they have to get motivated by some legends of our nation and they will move on their life.
A youth is someone who is not a child anymore and is yet to enter adulthood. At this age, most youth possess the curiosity and excitement of a young child and knowledge of an adult.
ReplyDeleteNow-a-days there are so many types of youths are there. Some youths will think about the good future in they life. Some youths will think about the present situation they think that how to deal the situation. Some youths will be there they will take the responsibilities of their families and they will work hard and at last one day they will success their life they know the value of education. Education is the only one thing which can change the life for any one. They can bring rapid change and development with sincere efforts.It is a vital to bukid uo the future of our youth by providing them education and other means of development.
I conclude that they have to get motivated by some legends of our nation and they will move on their life.
Mohammed Afroz
Sec- F
Youth have a major role to play for the betterment of society. Their contribution is important to shape the structure of our country. Youths also inspire others to work for the society. They posses the energy which when utilised in correct way can do wonders to the society. Youths should be given proper education so that they can lead the society by example. Youths are the pillers of the society as their behaivour decides in which way the nation is going as, most of the population comprises of youth. They can make our society a better place to live in with their atticates. Employment opportunities should be provided to them. So, the main role of people is providing education and values so that youth can utilise those values in improving the conditions. Our government should make sure that the opinions of these youths are heard and views are shared.
ReplyDeleteMohammed Afras Shafi
Youth hava a major role to play for the betterment of societyYouth is the new definition of the changing times, it is a perfect example of ‘it doesn’t get any better than this’. Today’s youth is full of spark, it burns everything it touches. They are not obstinate, they make mistakes and learn from them. They have the courage which is inexplicable, they are dynamic, they have written their fate themselves. They have the key to the lock and they are the only ones who can set the caged bird free.and employment opportunities should be provided to, the main role of people is provided to them Youth is the new definition of the changing times, it is a perfect example of ‘it doesn’t get any better than this’. Today’s youth is full of spark, it burns everything it touches. They are not obstinate, they make mistakes and learn from them. They have the courage which is inexplicable, they are dynamic, they have written their fate themselves. They have the key to the lock and they are the only ones who can set the caged bird free.our government should make sure that the opinions of these youths are heard and views are shared
ReplyDeleteI conclude that they have to get motivated by some legends of our nation and they will move on their life
F- section
Each age group in society has its own role and this is important in many different ways. The young generation occupies a special place in social environment. It is very important part of society. The young and rising generation constitutes a representative of the future in the broadest sense; the future of any society depends on the practical and spiritual moulding of the youth. All societies pay special attention to the youth. No change in way of government running can be victorious without the effective education, organisation and mobilisation of the youth into political action. It is none other than the youth (especially the working youth) who form the core of the ‘political’ and ‘military’ armies of the revolution. Their youthful energy enables them to perform great feats in the theatre of battle; enables them to be the most active in generation of ideas and development in skills; their enthusiasm spreads into their surroundings like wild-fire. The youth acts as the motive force of the revolution. The working youth forms the most consistent and reliable section of the revolutionary movement ‘and when they join the struggle of the working class, they fight for their own cause, and grow and become stronger in the struggle.
ReplyDeleteManoj Kumar Vemisetti
Section f
The role of the youth towards nation building. First of all we have that the youths are period between childhood and adulthood. The vision of our country lies in the hands of our youth. They are filled with tremendous and towering ambitions. Government must give enough opportunity to exercise our talent. young people must get good education in order to become better citizens of tomorrow and be the best role model for furture generations. Youth is the spring of life.In the world full of discoveries and dreams youth must fight for an identity. Youth can flourish the land and make it shine brighter.
ReplyDeleteIntrospect at the pinnacle and emancipate all the evils in the society.
Akanksha venam
ReplyDeleteIt's easy to say that youth is responsible for the future of INDIA but what also counts is that what options does the youth have to make ""INDIA GREATER"". People generally say that the vision of our country lies in the hands of our youth, but is that really in our hands???
No matter how much talented a student may be or how good his skills are....he will always be suppressed by the reservation system of our country. The reservation system has been categorising the 'YOUTH' for many years where the talent and skills doesn't matter but the caste does. This system has led a huge loss to country which no one can realise because no one really cares about raw talent.
Why am I saying the word 'Talent' a hundred times?
Because it is what which made huge developments in other countries and INDIA is still a developing country.
To be honest, 50% of the youth doesn't want to be eengineers or doctors....but,our goal is decided by the "ELDERS" because "The vision of our country lies in the hands of our youth."
Thank you for reading my opinion.
Youth has a very important role to play for society.
ReplyDeleteWe can say that the growth of a country in all aspects like social,political,and economic mostly depends on youth only.For better growth of society youth play a vital role they are with fresh energy and can perform better.
We all know that youth are the backbone of the society.
Youth should have a quality of leadership and innovative skills for a better society .At the same time youth should also maintain culture of our society and think towards development of society.
Youth should be in the position to help others who are in need in any situation and the should be in the position to give advice and encourage the teenager and kids too for future better society.
But as we all know that nowadays youth are completely addicted to social media.
So for our society youth should come out of it and work towards our better society.
Youth has a very important role to play for society.
ReplyDeleteWe can say that the growth of a country in all aspects like social,political,and economic mostly depends on youth only.For better growth of society youth play a vital role they are with fresh energy and can perform better.
We all know that youth are the backbone of the society.
Youth should have a quality of leadership and innovative skills for a better society .At the same time youth should also maintain culture of our society and think towards development of society.
Youth should be in the position to help others who are in need in any situation and the should be in the position to give advice and encourage the teenager and kids too for future better society.
But as we all know that nowadays youth are completely addicted to social media.
So for our society youth should come out of it and work towards our better society.
Young people are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists.They
ReplyDeletecan bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large.I feel young people in the present day do not belong to an active, social and service-minded society. The main cause of this catastrophe is the increment in inventions and ideas that keep them engrossed. The youth should set up the pathway for the attainment of equal rights, which is still not in practice in many parts of the world. Corruption and bribery should be put to an end, and this initiative should be taken up by young minds. Students, who have mastered the art of speaking, should be the brimming rivers for empowering the masses.Young people should stand together in expressing their solidarity and then get actively involved in social issues, but keep in mind that their views and expressions should not lead to social bias. As patriotic citizens, their works should help in promoting national integration.
Syed Giyazuddin.
Roll no:18K41A0162
The young people have taken the modern India by storm. They want to be everything for the nation, the one that criticizes it the most and then gets up to shape it better. They fight for their own rights and everybody else’s, they support the right and protest against the wrong. They figure out the good and the bad and choose their role accordingly.The youth is full of ideas, they have the finger on the pulse, so they are best suited for the nation and the economy to grow. When young people come together, they counter each other, they face challenges, they bring strong opinions to the table and they are invincible. The new entrepreneurs of our country are sure to bring success and a change in the working system of the country. The offices are becoming friendly and casual rather than dull and boring, people have started loving their jobs and are passionate about them, which is why the performance is also better.Youth is the new definition of the changing times, it is a perfect example of ‘it doesn’t get any better than this’. Today’s youth is full of spark, it burns everything it touches. They are not obstinate, they make mistakes and learn from them. They have the courage which is inexplicable, they are dynamic, they have written their fate themselves. They have the key to the lock and they are the only ones who can set the caged bird free.
ReplyDeleteThe role youth plays an important part in society or in the nation it means that the youth ideas and creative thoughts can change the nation...present situation in our society,the youth is coming out when compared to the olden days..they are creating a problems with the solution's which helps the nation alot and they are much needed for the development of the nation and the government should also provide more no of opportunities to the youth for a better society.
421 ECE
The young generation occupies a special place in a social environmnet.All societies pay special attention to the youth.
ReplyDeleteFirst thing they should be very practical and openminded.
They should get more addicted to general knowledge than social media.
Communication skills plays a major role in our present society.So,every youth should get good fluency while they talk to other people.
Youth should also encourage good leader who helps our nation to go in a right way.
Youth should also bring new skills in job industry for better products.
Youth should also help senior citizens,kids to set an idea about present world.
If your actions inspire others to dream more,learn more,and become more,
L.Abhinaya Reddy
Young people are pgten considered to represent the future as athey bring new ideas and energy to add to tge pool of knowledge that currently exits.They can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit spciety or even the world at large.Although not the only drivers of social change,young people are seen to be pne the key drivers engendering change.whether this is inherent in the beliefs of young people or the hope for the future is placed uppn them by older generations is not gramme.However india is changing and developing,and thisaffects tge lives pf tge people living there in varying degrees depending on their individual circumstances.The young people can chnge the society.
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ReplyDeleteWhat is the role of youth in society?
What is the role of youth in society?
September 14, 2015 • 21 Likes • 5 Comments
Usman Saeed
Usman SaeedFollow
Open for New Challenging Opportunities
Youth are back bone to the nation.They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behavior. They are here to show us that which we have not been willing to look at within ourselves.Unfortunately today we find the youth those who are more interested in other places which are not useful to them as well as nation.They chooses to spend their days doing drugs and playing video games. they spends their nights partying and living it up, so to speak.More and more young men of this age group are sitting at home in front of their televisions playing games all day instead of bettering themselves or going to work. They have no vision and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any attempt at achieving them.
We must get control of this. We must motivate our youth. We must teach responsibility and goal setting. I fear if we do not we will soon be supporting an entire generation of homeless and needlessly on welfare families. Things have to change, with our schools, with the older generation being good role models, with the older generation being mentors, and with the youth who are right now doing nothing
ReplyDeleteYouth play a main role in the betterment of the society as well as the development of the country. Youth are like the backbone of the country. There are 2 shades of youth one bad and also bad. On one side youth are participating in many events like sports and winning prizes for their country whereas on the other side it is youth who are also participating in crime, but this is not a fault of youth because youth find other forms of crime only because they are unemployed and India is rich in unemployment. So if we can find any means of employment for the youth there will be a reduction in the crime rate. For this to happen we must educate the youth and spread awareness.
Siva Rama Krishna Koneru
18K41A05G9, SEC-F
section A
A youth is any person between the age of 15 years and 30 years regardless of the gender. Unfortunately, the youth are the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future of any given society. This is because all other age groups, the kids, teenagers, middle aged and the senior citizens rely on the youth and expect a lot from them. This makes the youth to be an important age group in both today's society and the future society than other age groups.Therefore, due to the high dependence on youth in the society, we the youth have a role to play because the future of our families, communities and the country lies in our hands.
ReplyDeleteSiddarth T
Youth has a very important role to play for society.for that we need to know why youth are so special.It is so because they are young,full of energy and educated with rationality as their ultimate belief.they are like the leading character of a movie.The role of the youth is simply to renew, refresh and maintain youth have a role to renew and refresh the current status of one society in cluding leadership,innovations,skills etc youth expected to advance the current technology, calculation,politics,peace of the country.some youth will think about the good future in they life
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ReplyDelete"A BETTER SOCIETY IS BUILT BY YOUTH"."FOR A BETTER SOCIETY NEEDS A BETTER YOUTH" Now-a-days youth are so advanced and very active in every aspect.Youth plays an imporant role in society. Society needs a very advanced and with with very good communication.Young people are full of ideas and have infine source of to put their ideas into practice.Youth can have the power to change the society.SO youth should come with more ideas for new inovative inventions for society.
In the present generation, youth are more active and thinking about creative world. The young people of India of democracy which have kept before us. They are the part of modern society which plays a vital role in solving problems.They can fight against any problems or any situations and get success over it. When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented.when the young people come together they counters each other, they face challenges, they bring strong opinions to the people and they are invincible. Today's youth is full of spark, it burns everything it touches.
Section. A
Youth is playing a prominent role in the present society.They
ReplyDeleteare very important for the development of their own nations .Now -a-days they are mostly addicted to some of the bad habits like drinking,smoking,drugs..etc.Only few of them are concentrated and engaging in their works in building up of our nation.We should create a awareness to all of them that they can do any thing in their life with their hardwor and all that nothing is impossible if you try we should create some awareness so that they can be motivated and that leads to hardwork ultimately it leads to the success.
Now-a-days youth plays a major role for society develoment,by generating new ideas and implementing.The ideas should be useful for society.The future of country depends on youth,either for development or destruction.From childhood should be taught about society, further how to be a good citizen.
ReplyDeleteHow life turns only at a certain age in a way, how to be. Mainly Youth doesn't disturb the rules and regulations, which are necessary.
Now-a-days youth plays a part for development of the society, by implementing new ideas, which are useful for society .There are some boundaries which are never be crossed. The faith of country mainly depends on youth decisions.The decisions should not be for selflishness,it should be for country.Anything will be able to face. Raising and falling will occur.
ReplyDeleteEducation will make everything,doing hard work leads a person makes a good citizen
It's truelly say that the youth is responsible for the future of India what options does the youth have to make"India greater".youth are back bone to the nation .They can change the future of the society ,with their well being and courageous behaviour.They spend precious time with friends and enjoying lot of time with them.more and more young men of the age sitting at youth can do anything for others a days can fought for reservations.because of for youth in India they can't see her knowledge cn see only marks these type youth can personally can changes their mood.youth can have personal problems their future because of by reservations of cutoff marks.the vision of the country lies in the hands of youth but youth can change the life.
ReplyDelete"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it"
Thanking you sir
Sec :(J)
In the present generation youth is lacking creativity and Inventory Ideas. People are running behind the rat race. One who follows the everyone do the same. If it continues then there will be no development in the society.
ReplyDeleteThere should be some changes in Indian education system where students are much bothered about marks than technical skills. Application of technical skills help for the development of nation. We should encourage youth what they are interested in their fields. Now a days parents & teachers are killing the student dreams.
For an example In a class there is an artist who doesn't understand math.There's an entrepreneur who doesn't care about history.There's a musician whose chemistry marks won't matter. There's a sports person whose physical fitness is more important than physics.
Future of the nation has to be built by the youth by participating each and every aspect enthusiastically.Youth has to be participated more in social issues for development of the country
ROLL NO:18K41A04H1
Role of youth for better society:youth are the younger generation of india.Youth plays a prominent role for the development of the India by socially, politically, economically, legally, technically.To bring changes in the society we must need youth. Many social organizations are built by the youth and run by the youth and this organizations are helping the people. To develop India me must need youth and politically youth should be given opportunities to rule the Nation then India will became developed.we must need youth to bulit companies like start ups which will help the help people to get more jobs and more opportunities to the people and by starting companies india will develop economically.india is the second largest nation which have more young people in India. And India is a land of engineers where many people study technical improve technology we need youth.we are discussing good things about youth until now but there is a bad thing about youth. That is now a many young people are addicting ti drugs and spoiling their lifes at college levels And they are not serious about their career. This bad thing about younger generation but if we motivate them they will change. So we must conduct motivational programs in evry college. So we can see any change in young people.from this i conclude that youth plays a major role in society.
ReplyDeleteB. Sriram
The role of youth in society to many ways but the youth of our society we will reform in education and skill development. In this society we have need to reform in perspective and personality. First of all we are not learn in 360 degree education and not connecting the dot but this is main problem of youth.
ReplyDeleteIn our society the youth of young people have many role.
you will think about your family, country and your own it's important think.
You create your develop your knowledge and personality and match the practical and spiritual life then you serve your nation. I am not saying that you are big role in our society but you will going on small step then your initiative a small step then this is big things. Protection: Youth are expected to protect their culture and tradition while at the same time makes it better and embrace changes in the society. For instance it is youth only who becomes a part of political movement for a major change in a country. They becomes a part of armed forces too, to safeguard the freedom of people and so on
Growth: The growth of a country in all the spheres like Social, political and economic spheres mostly depends on youth only. They with a fresh energy can perform better and ensure the growth of society.
Now a days youth play the major role in the society. The youth are the backbone of the soceity. They determine the future of the society. This is all because everyone from a kid old people expects a lot from them to make a better society. Therefore, due to high dependence on youth in the society.,we the youth play the major role. For any country it needs a well educated and responsible people to develop it. For that the youth are very important. Since the youth hold the important part of our future society. So it's everyone to especially middle age and the senior citizens to guide the youth to move in a better to develop the society. So, let us raise the hand and work for our better society.
P. Varsha
Youth plays important role in our daily life . They are considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to the society. They can bring vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments of country's economy and benefit to the society.youth are backbone of a society and country's development. They determine the future of any society. Youth have role to renew and refresh the current status of our society including leadership, innovation, skills .for any country to succeed the youth must be educated, well informed and should be responsible about the society and about future generations. The middle aged and senior citizens grow older ,many employment posts remain vacant
ReplyDelete.This vacant positions should be filled by youth.This will enhance economic well-being as well as the social life of the citizens serve. They bring new innovation and skills to the society and in job which helps to develop in industrialisation and as well as in economy of country. The works made by youth brings encouragement to teenagers and they will also part for country's development. Youth have the role of teaching teenagers and young generations. Youth plays better role in our day to day life. They protect the culture and tradition. The growth of a country in all the spheres like social ,political, and economic depends on youth only. Youth play important role in nation building.
Md sulthan
F section
Youth has a very important role to play for society.I am not saying that youth is not a big role in the society. But youth will going on small step then our initiatives a small step then it is a big things.Especially,In our world people are not aware of taking their own decision in any point such as education,creativity e.t.c..,Youth need to satisfy the need of people by educating them selves and others Alonso.They must play an important role for leading a better society.
ReplyDeleteYouth has a very important role to play for society.They are the persons who decides the future of our present situation or society.
ReplyDeleteI am not saying that youth is not a big role in the society. But youth will going on small step then our initiatives a small step then it is a big things.Especially,In our world people are not aware of taking their own decision in any point such as education,creativity e.t.c..,Youth need to satisfy the need of people by educating them selves and others Alonso.They must play an important role for leading a better society.
Name: Suma Sri
Sec: j
Roll no: 18K41A0163
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ReplyDeleteYouth has a very important role to play for society. The growth of the country mostly depends upon the youth.They are considered as most dynamic & energetic assets of the nation. Young people often represent the future as their innovative and unique ideas play a key role in development of future.The youth is said to have hot and energetic blood.
ReplyDeleteSo it helps the youth to guide their career programs.It can mould the students into talented and competent individuals by groming them.When they are young and giving proper financial support for highly talented but finanacially poor students and it also helps the students to get admissions and study for their bright future to success their goals
Sai Prashanth
As a young person I do believe that today’s decisions and actions won’t only affect my futures and may pears. but, it will have the strength to radically change it to the best or the worst. First, never underestimate yourself .meaning, a young girl or boy from a low-developed country, in an isolated town can probably have a tremendous effect and touching ideas on his or her society that will change mentalities and lifestyles forever. The only condition is: believing in yourself and try your best to apply your ideas. Our task is to fix mistakes that has been made by the past generation in order to ensure a future to our children. Everyone has someone who cares about. If thinking about the world seems a concept too wide, think that you are doing it for your girlfriend, your mother, or just for yourself.
ReplyDeleteNobody can afford the luxury of thinking "well, that's not my business" because we live under the same sky, we breath the same air and we share the same land. This is a problem of mine as well as yours and the only way to ensure a better world for everyone is to act together. One of the major tasks of young people is to create awareness. Let the world know what's going on. In order to do it, we need to augment to power of NGOs and have the support of the media.
This is our chance to create a better world and we can't waste it.
Youth has very power full right to do or
ReplyDeleteto find new things what there ideas they implement freely without any failure.So do accept that today's children's are tomorrow citizens.So our country has a better youth power but the youth are not at all have any opinion to develop our country because of there will no proper goverence.And under this goverence there will be no proper rules to enhance or to over come the youth to develop our country.Because of these reason somany youngster's are going to abroad for there better future .And they habitating to there culure .So because of these reason our country is still develping only but not developed.
As a youth we have to develop our country.
Name: panthangi Rajkumar
Roll no : 18k41A04F4
Youth are often forced to live with the consequences of those who have lived before them, regardless of whether they had a say or participated in the outcome. We must motivate our youth. We must teach responsibility and goal setting. I fear if we do not, we will soon be supporting an entire generation of homeless and needlessly on welfare families. Things have to change, with our schools, with the older generation being good role models, with the older generation being mentors, and with the youth who are right now doing nothing. Those of you who are in their teen age, you have a choice. You can allow yourselves to stay your course and do nothing or you can rise above what the cynics around you expect and go get educated or get jobs. Show the older generation that they are wrong about you. Let them know you have intelligence and skills. Show yourself what you are made of. You might be surprised at how proud of yourself you become with even the smallest of accomplishments. I can tell you that nothing can happen if you do not try.
ReplyDeleteI am very unfortunate to say that our young generation in our society they are not up to the challenge to face the music and make themselves ready for every obstacle to face and tackle the problems, crises and critical circumstances of today’s challenges. It is on us to save the future and be the hope of the country because in the current era which we live there is a dire need of improvement and achievement. To get rid of the ongoing problems and overcome the obstacles we have to voluntarily participate in the social; cultural and political activities in the country. Key role of youth in society is to renew, refresh & maintain a civilization.
Now-a-days youth are active, energetic, creative and enthusiastic part of modern society. they are also backbone to our nation. They are playing a major role in our society. they are discovering crazy things that even great scientists are excited to see them. But only minor part of the youth are putting their efforts to strengthen their nation. But remaining youth is wasting it's time getting addicted to useless things that will no longer make them useful to society, they have to change themselves, convert themselves into builders of nation, only then the nation becomes more stronger. If youth tries to do better things then no one are able to stop them. Their ideas are limitless, their vision is boundless. If youth tries to change themselves, then automatically nation changes. That's the connection between youth and nation.
In order to consider the role of youths in India it is helpful to first consider the overall situation in India as this provides the context in which
ReplyDeleteyoung people are growing up. There are two areas in particular to consider: the transition towards being a developed country and the changes in population.
India has made great strides in technology and other areas, including the space programme. However, much of the country remains unaffected by such
developments and there is still much to be done to create an inclusive society where the living conditions for the whole population are brought up to an
acceptable level and absolute poverty is eradicated. The differences between castes and religions also still remain a factor in the cohesiveness of the
population as a whole.
The population of India is also still increasing substantially and is expected to exceed that of China by the middle of this centure.
S Noor Mahammad,
Sec j,
The youth is full of ideas, they have the finger on the pulse, so they are best suited for the nation and the economy to grow. when young people come together, they counter eachother, they face challenges,they bring strong opinions on the table and they are invisible. The new entrepreneurs of our country are sure to bring success and a challenge in the working system of the country.The offices are becoming friendly and rather than full and boring people have started loving their jobs and are passionate about them
ReplyDeleteD.saiteja january 26,2019at2:51pm
Dharani saiteja
Sec -j
In our youth role is very important.Because they are the icon of our country .To develop or to moderate our country youth icon is the Jawaharlal Nehru also said that for youngsters we must motivate to everyone but we should must not be motivated .In our country so many inventions are created by the help of scientist means the thoughts of youth.Every creation in our world is made by day by day our thoughts creating our world to the youth makes an important role for our country and for development of our country.In everyone's life youth is a major role at that if we select correct path our life is meaningful.If we select wrong path our life is disturbed.
ReplyDeleteMohana gayathri
Youth is the future of society as they bring new ideas into this world. They can achieve anything with their energy and enthusiasm which leads to new discoveries which make this world a better place to live in,not only discoveries their brain is a ocean of creativity and out of box thinking.if they are determined they can achieve literally anything.
ReplyDeleteK. Sushmitha
Youth has talent as well as creativity. They just don't know where to use and how to use their creativity. If proper guidance along with training is given, they become unstoppable.Youth are not interested in development of their surroundings, but they only focus on the development Of their own. This should be changed. Some of the young people have many great ideas ,but they don't express their thoughts and ideas thinking how the society judge them. That is the main reason for the lack of participation of youth in any field. If the youth overcome this fear,they can make wonders. Every country can become a developed country.
Youth play a important role in the development of the society.But now-a-days they are not utilising the opportunities to develop the country.They are the backbone of our nation.So they should be responsible to develop our nation.
ReplyDelete.They are very energetic to possess any kind of situation.The youth with a fresh energy can perform better and ensure the growth of the society.I conclude that they have to get motivated by some legends of our nation and they will move on their life.
The youth’s role in society is to find out who they want to be and how they want to form that identity. The youth also play an essential role in adapting to and possibly even reshaping social norms. The youth’s role in society is to appreciate the works of those who have labored tirelessly before them and to mentor and to teach the young. Ultimately the youth are to share with the society what they have learned about themselves and the world. The keywords are: explore, learn, appreciate, respect, give back, share, and mentor.o enjoy a relatively carefree youth. Protected from harm by their parents and other adults so they can grow and learn and develop into mature young adults. They need down time to rest and day dream and enjoy the beauty of nature. They need to explore many types of activities and think about what career they may want to pursue and how important work is to creating a life and family. They need to learn about the history of our country and our Constitution.
ReplyDeleteRole of youth in our society must be:-
1 . Give priority to your education.
2. Don't be lazy. Work hard , dream big, and achieve those dream.
3. Take care of your parents.
4. Don't support casteism.
5. Accept all genders in the society.
6. Don't make fun of vulnerables.
7. Give importance to your ethics than money.
8. Always take stand for justice.
9. Respect everyone in the society.
10. Don't waste time.
Youth has important role to play for society. Growth:the growth of a country in all the spheres like social,political and economic spheres mostly depends on youth only.they with a fresh energy can perform better and ensure the growth of society. The role of youth in society to many ways but the youth of our society we will reform in education and skill development. Youth are backbone to the nation. They can change the future of the society with their well change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behaviour.
ReplyDeleteYouth in any country form it's backbone. It is on youths shoulders that the responsibility for change,progress and innovations lies.
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ReplyDeleteYouth play a major role in our society. As we all know that youth are the reason for the development of society. In today's generation if youth does not work hard and lead his own life then he is treated in a very bad way. Because they teach the coming generations how to lead a life and how to overcome the problems. As we know that the world's population is youth and they are divided in to what ever the courses they are interested in. According to the sources nearly 42% of the people in the world are under 25 years of age. Now a days youth has become inactive and they are not interested in social and service minded society. The main cause of this catastrophe is the increment in inventions and ideas that kept them engrossed. As patriotic citizens, their works should help in promoting national integration.
Youth has important role to play for society.Youth are back bone to the nation.They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behaviour.unfortunately today we find the youth those who are more interested in other places which are not useful to them as well as nation.The role of youth is simply to renew ,refresh the current status of our society including leadership, innovation,skills etc. Youth are expected to advance the current the technology, education, politics and peace of the country. On the other hand ,youth has to maintain the culture of our society.It is the youth of a country that plays the most important role in nation building.key role of youth in society is to renew renew refresh and maintain a civilization.youth through organisation for a specific aim and positive direction can contribute more towards the national development.
Youth plays the most important role in every field. Youth can do numerous things for the development of the country or society. Youth is a stage in life at which both body and mind supports him for the development of his/her abilities and skills. According to an American research at youth stage of a person his/her mind works with accuracy and concentration. So if the youth are directed in a proper way their wisdom can be used for creating wonders in many fields. As our country is with high percentage of youth, future of our country is in the hands of today's youth.
ReplyDeleteBut if the youth are misguided it will become the greatest threat for the future and their intelligence will be worthless. Moreover in the present generation most of the youth are being attracted for the bad than good.
Yes,youth palyes an valibel role in society like economic,education, health, politics,and many other. It is difficult that if youth don't go in right path.
ReplyDeleteAs in economy our nation is growing rapidly and it is proud moment to all of us.But some people is flying to foreign countries for luxury.
As education concern impeccable results are observed and should be continue that.To change our nation youth must participate in politics and that can really help our nation.Our health status is also good in our India .So at last I conclude that youth must travel in right track and should make there respective countries proud...
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ReplyDeleteThe youth are the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future of the society. Youth withstands the power of society. This is because all other age groups rely on the youth and expect a lot from them. This makes the youth to be an important age group in both today's society and the future society.Therefore, due to the high dependence on youth in the society, we the youth have a role to play because the future of our country lies in our hands. The role of the youth is simply to renew, refresh and maintain. Youth have a role to renew and refresh the current status of our country. They are expected to advance the country.
ReplyDeleteMd Rafiuddin
Today youth is tomorrow nation and today youth are our students.Education is were a youth gets formed from education is infact characaturer building in youth.When students are being treatded with due respect and respanbulity they have also lived up to be and respect in retarna to the society ween being.Today there are many activitisy that youth take initiatives for the betterment of the youth we have seen that youth of the younger classes taking sets to plant tress and thus promoting tress and the importance of planting tress for the coming generations rather then felling tress.finally the youth is main role for the youth socity.
Today youth is tomorrow nation and today youth are our students.Education is were a youth gets formed from education is infact characaturer building in youth.When students are being treatded with due respect and respanbulity they have also lived up to be and respect in retarna to the society ween being.Today there are many activitisy that youth take initiatives for the betterment of the youth we have seen that youth of the younger classes taking sets to plant tress and thus promoting tress and the importance of planting tress for the coming generations rather then felling tress.finally the youth is main role for the youth socity.
Today youth is tomorrow nation and today youth are our students.Education is were a youth gets formed from education is infact characaturer building in youth.When students are being treatded with due respect and respanbulity they have also lived up to be and respect in retarna to the society ween being.Today there are many activitisy that youth take initiatives for the betterment of the youth we have seen that youth of the younger classes taking sets to plant tress and thus promoting tress and the importance of planting tress for the coming generations rather then felling tress.finally the youth is main role for the youth socity.
Each age group in society has its own role and this is important in many different ways.Youngpeople are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists. They can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large.There are two areas in particular to consider the transition towards being a developed country and the changes in population.India has made great strides in technology and other areas, including the space programme. on the perspective being used ability of the young people to fully participate in this way, however, is inhibited by two main factors. The first is the level of education,and the second is their caste and/or religious position.The youth of India make up approximately a quarter of the the role of youth is playing a significant role in our society and they are the backbone of our country.
ReplyDeleteHi To The Readers
ReplyDeleteIam Going To Write a message About The Youth Role Of Youth For a Better society My Advice For A Youth Is To Stop The Drugs To see Every Person in the society with a good manners ,To Stop Taking Bribe for marriages and in thier job Educated Persons Should Devolop their
surrouding areas one main thing is youth must travel near by places by cycles because of the trafi is more in the INDIA.the youth should pay tax for govt in any aspets youth should motivate to others do good be good see good and he himself should be good in all
DeleteSEC -J
The role of youth in society to many ways but the youth of our society we will reform in and tradition while at the same time makes it better and embrace changes in the society.youth are back bone to the nation.They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behaviour .They are here to show us that which we have not been willing to look at within ourselves.unfortunately today we find the youth those who are interested in other places which are not useful to them as well as nation.They have no vision and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any attempt at achieving them.Things have to change ,with our schools,with the older generation being mentors,and with the youth who are right now doing nothing those of you are in age of teen,you have a can allow yourselves to stay your course and do nothing or you can rise above what the cynics around you expect and go get educated or get the older generations they are wrong about you.let them know you have intelligence and skills.
The Youth occupies a special place in social environment. Now-a-days youth are energetic,active,creative and enthusiastic,they plays a vital role in solving problems. Ideas of youth and skills are spread into their surroundings like wild fire.The working youth form energetic in society. Sometimes they travels only in one direction because of without proper guidance from their superior people. But they had many other ways to develop the country,we can say that really they are weak at politics and they are not interested in agriculture. But farmer is backbone to our nation,below 20% had interested in farming and agriculture. They involves decisions in giving heavy responsibilities to the youth. We correctly say that future is in their hands.
Each age group in the society has there own role. But youth has main important role because it is the correct age to work hard. Youth has to play key role to change society. Now a day's young people are addicted to bad habit's and doing some unwanted works.some of the young people are very different from others experienced by their parent's, they have traditional values and cultural behaviours to better society youth has to focus on developing the technology and usage of it in a proper manner
ReplyDeleteWhat is the failures of elder people we has to focus on that and clarify in a better and easiy way easy way.
Roll no:18K41A05G3
Sec. : F-cse
Name. : S.Dileep
Youth is the backbone for society
ReplyDeleteYouth have to create new platform for society. Now-a-days youth not have nice opportunities fulfil there dreams. Education helps to built on the way to society .In our country different types of youth person's are they in our country .youth have nice talent each youth think that we reach our goal .But when we not reach our goal life shop that wrong way we think that try and try until u success you reach goal. Youth have many problems in our society.
In conclude
Youth have more powerful weapon to create new society and change the world .
Youth is the backbone for society.
ReplyDeleteYouth have to create new platform for society. Now-a-days youth not have nice opportunities to fulfil there dreams. Education helps to built on the way to society .In our country different types person's are they.Youth have nice talent each youth think that we reach our goal. But when we not reach our goal life stop that wrong way we think that try and try until you success your goal. Youth have many problems in our country .
Youth have to create new up coming future generations .
In conclude
Youth have more powerful weapon to create new society and change the world.
Today's youth are the country's future. The youth and future will always be linked in,because none can exist in the absence of other.Youth is a significant symbol of strength and persistence.Youth a important role in all round development of country and must contribute in different fields.For example, let's take the field of technology-Young people combined with powerful tool technology are already showing great walk over achieving development.
ReplyDeleteToday youth actively contributing in creation of new jobs,economic empowerment,new startups through digital platforms.Youth are even being discovered as young entrepreneurs through technology platforms.
Still there are many opportunities for youth through technology.Young political participation even has great benefits to the country.The youth face many issues in the society, but many are unheard.Since the youth would better understand other young people, active participation of them in politics will uncover all the problems and the protests led by them will have more effect.Young people who participate in their community from early on will become engaged citizens.Youth even play great role in humanitarian sector. Many humanitarian programs contributing to protection, health, security of young women,children,helping needy,charity,etc..Youth can even get carrier prospects through these services.Youth are so talented and capable for coming up with effective solutions to many problems of society. The only problem is they will not able to know their inner potential and contribute for development of country.
This is a wake up call for us.The time has come for our contribution for better future. Lets arise and work towards our future and support our nation as strong pillars.
In simple words society means the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. A youth is any person between the age of 15 years and 30 years regardless of the gender. Unfortunately, the youth are the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future of any given society. This is because all other age groups, the kids, teenagers, middle aged and the senior citizens rely on the youth and expect a lot from them. This makes the youth to be an important age group in both today's society and the future society than other age groups.Therefore, due to the high dependence on youth in the society, we the youth have a role to play because the future of our families, communities and the country lies in our hands.
The future is here with the youngsters. Youngsters are very dynamic and with lot of intelligence. Which can change the world into advanced. Youth can be guided by the experienced wise man to get into a proper track. Every youngster should show his skill and intelligence. If a youngster has no knowledge about development of society first he has to train himself and changing into right path. Because If a younster develop himself it will automatically leads to the development of society. For every youngster make sure you are running for a destiny which will change the fate of society. If youth start taking care of society you can't imagine the beauty of world. Every one in this world is skillful with various activities. Do the things at which you are best don't get scary of any one if the path is right no one can stop you from reaching your destiny
If a youngster want to become like a farmer encourage him don't criticise him with your unnecessary talk.If he succeed in his dream. One day he can become as a backbone to the world. Which can change into a whole new level of society
DeleteHarish. S
Youth are back bone to the Nation. They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behavior. The role of the youth is simply to renew,refresh and maintain. They are very energetic to possess any kind of situation. The young people of India should try to give a practical shape to the ideals of democracy which have kept before us. All I mean is that nothing will happen if the youth don't work to accomplish their role. Youth can do a lot for the development of the country or society. Youth is stage in life at which both body and mind supports him for the development of his/her mind works with accuracy. So if the youth directed in a proper way their wisdom can be used for creating something in a field.
ReplyDeleteAll it needs to change a country is a new generation with better future sight. Nothing comes on to a silver platter. Youth needs guidance from expert people. If they can't find any ,they should searching, until they find something that really works. You will not become rich over night either way but at least if you make an effort ,then you have begun your journey to your dreams.
Sinde supriya
India is the top country in youth population.Now a day's youth are being challenged in search of jobs.Where their are less Oppurtunities for many people.So,youth are mostly concentrateing in achieving their goals very seriously.young people are the future key for country's development.they are the backbone for society.But some youngster's were wasting their time for only fun and entertainment. In college's some students were trying very hard to fulfill their destiny and some were miss leaded and learning bad habits and bad behavior.It is the major problem now a day's youth are facing.To get rid of it they must determine very strongly to get rid of bad attitude and behavior.Todays youth development will show brightest future and keep their families and them,my word for all the youngsters to determine their goals in a positive way and and maintain positive attitude to never give up at fullfilling their destiny.try and try until you success and keep your family and society happy.
ReplyDeleteBy M. Rohith Raj
ReplyDeleteSec j
As youth has many roles to do for this society. Many roles are there for the youth. And I want to say some of them. One thing is about politics. Many youngsters know what is going in the society and they know many problems in the society and they will be developing this society in the better way. And second one is ,many youngsters are struggling to get jobs. But instead of that they may focus on improvement in the agriculture field and they may develop this field. And mainly they should bring awareness in people not to take money while selecting their leader in the part of elections.
Each age group in society has its own role and this is important in many different ways.Young people are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists. They can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large.India has made great strides in technology and other areas, including the space programme.However, much of the country remains unaffected by such developments and there is still much to be done to create an inclusive society where the living conditions for the whole population are brought up to an acceptable level and absolute poverty is eradicated. The differences between castes and religions also still remain a factor in the cohesiveness of the population as a whole.
ReplyDeleteThe youth play a major role in the society because they know each and every ascept of the society and what correct and what should be done.if the youth can use the power in the correct manner then the country will be developed a soon.Not only our country.The youth will be thinking out of the box for developing of the country.But some the politicians will be thinking to fill that box with the full of money.And the politicians will be selfish and they won't think about others they will be thinking only their respective members should be happy but youth does not think like that they will be making each and person happy.yes,the youth will be playing a major role but they also some guidelines of the experienced people if the people who are experienced should be teaching good not the bad.May or may not be the youth will be a back bone of their own country.The each and every person will be responsible for their country. A single person may not built not the building but altogether do the work and will be successful so not only the youth play a major role in the society.The youth will be thinking different categories for developing the country in the part of the technology and they will be thinking that each and every person should do the work which should be a smart work which is usefull for developing of the country.
A student may or may not have good at his skills .but our Indian youth will be feeling bad by the reservation system of our country. Reservations a the main stone to defeat the youth people to show there talent to our country . This system has led a huge loss to country which no one can realise because no one really cares about raw talent.youth will have the more rights to decide the correct person to our country .most of the decisions should be taken by youth because they will find the correct solution for every answer.finally one thing can be decide is youth has more rights than all in our society even in our country.
J.uday varma.
The life of a society is 'youth'. The future of any society depends on the practical and spiritual molding of the youth. Any revolution cannot be victorious without the role of youth. The youth acts as the major and strong force of the revolution. Their youthful energy allows them to perform great feats in the theater of battle and also allows them to be the most active transmitters of ideas and skills. According to me, young people in the present day do not belong to active, skilled, social and service minded society as the increment in inventions which kept changing the minds of youth. Youth should get involved into all the fields for the growth of creative nation and also should put an end to corruption and bribery.
ReplyDeleteFinally, youth should get involved into all the social issues to build a strong society.
"Growth is never by mere chance,
it is the result of force working together."
India is a country where there is the highest youth strength. Youth play a vital role in the development of a country in all sectors where all round development occurs when every youngster takes part in role of society. For an example India is facing with many problems like domination of rich people, scams of politions and deaths of farmers . Even government has introducing many programs and schemes to overcome this difficulties it is not working properly because, youth is not playing there role with proper plans. Now-a-days people is thinking only about there family there environment eventhough parents are not encouraging there children to take concern on society. Parents are thinking that there child should settle well with a good job. It is not a right sign to have a good relationship in society. Many problems can be solved with the connection of young ideas and there idealogy meets the needs of a country to overcome the difficulties in society, and problems facing by over country. Swami vevekananda, Abudl kalam many great people sacrifed and encouraged there whole live to strengthen youth energy in India, when ever youngster thinks as there responsibility then development and standard of living grows.
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DeleteI agree with 5G7. What he said is true. According to my opinion India has more percentage of youth comparing with other countries. But India is still a developing country. It is really sad to say. Why this is happening? Is only the mistake of youth! No, it is everyone mistake. But youth can solve this. But in 100% only 2-10% are trying there level best. But remaining are busy. Youth are forgotting there responsibilities. They are busy with social media. Social media can develop as well as destroy. Pub culture spread like a wild fire. Due to this youth following wrong ways like chain snatching, robbery etc. The well educated students going to foreign for jobs to earn high. Then how our country can develop? Youth have to realise about there responsibilities and there need for our country. Youth can do any thing in may be construction or destruction.youth plays a vital role in development of a nation.
The role of youth in society to many ways but the youth of our society we will reform in education and skill development. In this society we have need to reform in perspective and personality. First of all we are not learn in 360 degree education and not connecting the dot but this is main problem of youth.
ReplyDeleteIn our society the youth of young people have many role.
you will think about your family, country and your own it's important think.
You create your develop your knowledge and personality and match the practical and spiritual life then you serve your nation.
I am not saying that you are big role in our society but you will going on small step then your initiative a small step then this is big things.
In our world people are not aware ineffect they will not choose a clear decision so in point of view our strength is education, creativity, innovation and also enjoyment own and others. You will help on other person for economy wealth and education purpose then youth people realise a own responsibility then he will done a important role of society.
5. And last thing you will help a person then your happiness is very high. You will doing any work then you will create a happiness and your journey is fulfilling your life.
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ReplyDeleteThe role of the youths towards the nation building
ReplyDeleteFirst of all we have that the youths are the period between childhood and adulthood. Secondly, the nation is a country considered as a group of people living in a certain territory under one Government. Thirdly, we also have to know “Building” here means not masonry constructed, instead the development of the nation, the future of our country.
The vision of our country lies in the hands of our youths. They are filled with tremendous and towering ambitions. It will be a great wastage of human resources if these youths are not given an opportunity to exercise their talent. This beautiful land needs these youths in order for our soil to become a brighter one.
The primary role of young people is to get a good education in order to become better citizens of tomorrow. They need to learn skills to do the job that their country’s economy needs. They also need to know how to read, write, think, understand, analyse, and discuss the issues their country faces. The entire success of the nation depends on the youths. However, in order for continuous success to take place; it is the Government’s responsibility to provide the youth with proper facilities for, getting equipped with the knowledge of the modern era.
Roll no: 18K41A05F6
Sec: f
In order to consider the role of youths in India it is helpful to first consider the overall situation in India as this provides the context in which
ReplyDeleteyoung people are growing up. There are two areas in particular to consider: the transition towards being a developed country and the changes in population.
India has made great strides in technology and other areas, including the space programme. However, much of the country remains unaffected by such
developments and there is still much to be done to create an inclusive society where the living conditions for the whole population are brought up to an
acceptable level and absolute poverty is eradicated. The differences between castes and religions also still remain a factor in the cohesiveness of the youth
Sec F
ReplyDeleteSocial Work
Role of Youth in Society
4364 word (17 pages) essay in Social Work
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Each age group in society has its own role and this is important in many different ways. Youth as a description of a sector of society has many definitions
depending on the perspective being used. For the purposes of this discussion youth will be considered to be the stage of life involving transition into
adulthood: approximately age 15 to 25.
Young people are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists. They
can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large. Although not the
only drivers of social change, young people are seen to be one the key drivers engendering change. Whether this is inherent in the beliefs of young people
B.charan tej
Youth is a back bone of the nation.Youth are not only the leader of tomorrow but also the partners of today. Young people are social actors of change and progress. they are a crucial segment of a Nation development . Their contribution, therefore,is highly needed
ReplyDeleteYouth always has been the key to any of the activities in the world be it was , politics,constr constr works,you name it and youth has,is and will have been involved. The hunger ,desive ,moti motiva,ddetermination and high energy of the youth can make all the difference in either destroying or buliding a Nation .
There are a lot of other revolutionary youth leader around the world who have changed the world towards the devolopment. Youth through organizing for a spacispe aim and positive direction can contribute more towards the nation devolopment.
1. What is your opinion on youth?
ReplyDeleteAccording to me youth is between the age of 15 to 30 years regardless of the gender. The youth are the backbone of society and they determine the future of any given society. This makes the youth to be an important age group in both today's society and the future society than other age groups. Youth will refresh the current status of our society including leadership, innovations, skills etc. youth are expected to advance the current technology, education, politics
,peace of the country.
First of all, kids and teenagers need to be advised ,taught and encouraged by the youth. Youth also have to be a role model to young generation. For any country to succeed, it needs educated, well informed and responsible leaders. The best leaders are the youths. The youth have to correct the mistakes and short comings of previous leaders and completely change the particular society. Youth have to take care on society.
S. Sainath
Section J
S. Sainath
Youth are the backbone of the society and they determine the future of the society. This is because all the other age group like teenager, middle aged and the senior citizens will expect a lot from them. This makes the youth an important age in today's society and future society.
ReplyDeleteThe main role play of youth is to maintain the society in a new form like leadership, skills etc. Youth are expected to maintain the current education, politics and peace of the country. On the other side youth also have to maintain the culture of our country, all good values of society etc.
After the youth, kids and the teenagers are the youth for the next generation. So youth should teach the kids and the teenagers. They have to teach both kids and teenagers in all aspects like what is good and bad and how to solve problems in life.
In my point of view,when I consider about education system. Education plays a vital role for the development of youth as well as of our country.Youth should make it appropriate according to the time and changing scenario of the world.Education provides an opportunity to reflect upon the social,economic cultural and moral issues facing by human beings.To develop India as a digital nation in global development,Youth has to strengthen higher education with research and development.
ReplyDeleteYouth have certain responsibility towards their nation,which they must recognize and practice instead of blaming the system of our nation.Youth can come together and shape the future of our country. Youth are the social actors to bring the change and progress.If the power of youth is used wisely and optimally then it can surely lead to nation development.
Sec [F]
The role of the youth is simply to renew, refresh and maintain. Youth have a role to renew and refresh the current status of our society
ReplyDeleteincluding leadership, innovations, skills etc. Youth are expected to advance the current technology, education, politics, peace of the country. On the other hand, youths have also to maintain the culture of our culture, all good values in the societies, development projects, etc.
First of all, kids and teenagers need to be advised, taught and encouraged by the youth. Youth also have to be a good example to the young generation. The youth have to teach both the teenagers and kids all aspects of general life, show them the way so that they grow up the right and the wrong. Youths have to advise and encourage teenagers and help them to solve social, educational, psychological, emotional and various problems the teenagers encounter in life. Youth have the role of teaching teenagers and the young generation what teachers and parents don't.Secondly, as the middle aged and the senior citizens grow older, many employment posts remain vacant. This vacant positions have to
be filled by non other than the youth. This will enhance economic well-being as well as the social life of the citizens the serve. Youths have to bring in new innovations, new skills in the job industry for more productivity at a lower cost because they will do away with old technology or they will invent new ways of doing a certain job. In doing so the country will develop in terms of industrialization and both her economic and social well-being
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ReplyDeleteYoung people are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists. They
ReplyDeletecan bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large. They are not only the drivers of social change but also play a vital role to enhance the modification in technology,science etc...When they gather they put strong ideas on the table and are invincible.The new entrepreneurs of our country are sure to bring success and a change in working system of the country. They should be given an opportunity to expose their intelligence to the world and make themselves into someone. The youths are our life and nation. The foundation of every society is the education of its youth. In conclusion, the role of youth in the national building is crucial. They are problem solvers, have a positive influence on the nation, and are extremely ambitious. They have the ability to create an identity for themselves and move the nation forward.
Fayeed mohimeen
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