Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Dear Students,

                       I believe in "Nurture the students to nurture themselves"

The primary objective of this blog is utilizing the technical platform to improve students' writing skills. It is an opportunity to the students to share their knowledge/opinion on various topics with others as well I use this abode to evaluate students' responses and provide some useful guidance to them time to time to enhance their writing skills. I wish all the students make use of this in a productive way to the extent possible.

1. Give your responses on the given topic every week.
2. Do mention your details when you post your responses (Name, Roll No,Section, College)
3. Be cautious in posting content which MUST not lead to any other controversies.
4. Use this blog productively for your development strictly.
5.  Follow the guidance on your responses time to time and try to make it better in every response.

                                                                   ****ALL THE BEST****